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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Probably just a general bias toward the Beatles that has always kind of existed, look at all the books and music classes that fawn over their every note, while bands like Zep are dismissed as Heavy Metal or Arena Rock. That being said, I love them both!
  2. Another interesting thing I should mention is Syd Played a black and white Danelectro and a mirrored Fender Esquire. Wonder if that had an influence on a certain someone...
  3. Nice choice Walt! Something that rarely gets mentioned when discussing bowed guitar is Roger Waters bowed bass solo @2:46-3:13.
  4. ^You're welcome anniemouse! BTW, just call me Sathington Willoughby.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLbAonRMMrU
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