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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. Another reason I've never been that into the reunion tour idea. Probably a lot of the same type of people would be in the crowd at the shows.
  2. They played Blueberry Hill on 9/19/1970 (Evening Show) during HMMT. (I HIGHLY recommend this show if you've never heard it, particularly the last hour, WLL-HMMT) @ 10:58- Also, wasn't Mudslide the first boot to be released?
  3. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/22199-whole-lotta-money/
  4. ^I believe he was referring to before Jimmy joined the Yardbirds. Here's the sentence that came before that quote: 'The Yardbirds had all known Page as a session regular and blues devotee and had seen him casually for years.'
  5. Here's a quote that might lend some credence. From 'Jimmy Page:Magus, Musician, Man' by George Case: Chris Dreja-"I used to meet him outside, of all places, a tropical fish store in Tolworth," Dreja looked back. "Jimmy was a tropical fish enthusiast and he'd say something like, 'Hello, Chris, I've just bought a nice thermometer for my fish.' He was a strange guy, even then." So yeah, I guess he's always been interested in fish! (BTW Chris Dreja, dunno what is so strange about that)
  6. ^I don't know if anyone has found one yet! I've been thinking about buying one, hope it's not too late. I bought the CD.
  7. Sorry, had to post the studio version too. This song still kicks my ass everytime!
  8. I don't listen to a lot of the Dio era stuff either, but Heaven and Hell is just a masterpiece, IMO the quintessential metal song. Just so epic! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUjUIP2ugG4
  9. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/11033-zep-and-the-beatles/?p=771029 Apparently George wasn't very impressed. Producer Glyn Johns says Mick Jagger and George Harrison weren’t interested in band’s groundbreaking record Producer Glyn Johns says when he played Led Zeppelin’s debut album to Mick Jagger and George Harrison in the late 60s, neither of them were interested. http://www.teamrock.com/news/2014-10-31/beatles-and-stones-dismissed-led-zep-debut
  10. Sweet! If I may ask, which songs/albums have you tried/liked so far?
  11. ^It's been a few years since I've smoked, but that looks like some pretty schwag weed! http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=schwag
  12. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/22181-which-songs-did-bonzo-play-a-key-role-on/?p=788897
  13. Absolutely! There are some all-time greats in there, don't be fooled by the lack of quality recordings. The really start to 'cook', as Robert would say, towards the end of this tour. Give these a try: 6/19 Seattle, WA 6/22 San Bernardino, CA *6/25 Los Angeles, CA *6/27 Long Beach, CA *These shows were used to make up the official release 'How the West Was Won'. These shows also deserve a mention: 5/28 Brussels, Belgium (Warm-up gig) 6/14 & 15 Uniondale, NY 6/28 Tucson, AZ
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