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Sathington Willoughby

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Everything posted by Sathington Willoughby

  1. 1. It's spelled Led Zeppelin, not Led Zepplin. 2. JTM wasn't talking to you, he was talking to Stairway is NOT stolen. 3. Sight? As in Webs-i-t-e?
  2. Well thanks for coming here to tell us we're all idiots with bad taste, and telling us stuff we already know! Good riddance!
  3. 1975-03-12 - Mike The Mike Tribute Series (Winston Remasters)
  4. Got this from Wiki: "We Built This City" is a song written by Bernie Taupin, Martin Page, Dennis Lambert, and Peter Wolf, and originally recorded by the American rock group Starship and released as its debut single on August 1, 1985. It also mentions that this song was #1 on many "Worst of" lists. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/We_Built_This_City
  5. Just saw this on the Simpsons marathon on FXX, reminded me that this show used to be watchable! This is classic, Bart switches out the church sheet music with 'In the Garden of Eden' by I. Ron Butterfly lol.
  6. Mike The Mike Tribute Series - March 11, 1975 (Winston Remaster)
  7. Pineapple Upside-Dump Cake! Mmm-mmm!
  8. It's official: Kevin Love is a Cleveland Cavalier https://sports.yahoo.com/news/official-kevin-love-cleveland-cavalier-165612161.html Finally...
  9. Saw this the other morning on Cartoon Network, at first I thought Adult Swim was still on, but no, it's real. Something about the name that isn't very appetizing...
  10. No worries man, I know the search feature on here is kinda funky sometimes.
  11. These sound pretty good speed corrected as well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubamvuImr4M&index=4&list=PL9vnEauZAaXCPMCjm246cgPkUPkMbLq04 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JbFviutNao&list=PL9vnEauZAaXCPMCjm246cgPkUPkMbLq04&index=2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emp0fAC8Kms&index=3&list=PL9vnEauZAaXCPMCjm246cgPkUPkMbLq04
  12. Thanks Kiwi! I knew there was someone on YouTube who reduced the speed on most of his stuff! Been listening all morning! You are right, it is definitely easier to understand his lyrics this way. These IMO are some that sound much better, more natural: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHeJbPP-Tkc&list=PL9vnEauZAaXCPMCjm246cgPkUPkMbLq04&index=3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atQKrYGSsJA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBQt1lpbevA&list=PL9vnEauZAaXCPMCjm246cgPkUPkMbLq04&index=3 Some of them sound too slow to me though! And some its hard to tell either way! Maybe some were originally sped-up, and some weren't? It's certainly an interesting debate, we'll probably never know for sure!
  13. Why listen to a flat soundboard when you could have an atmospheric, natural sounding Mike Millard recording, especially a Winston Remaster?
  14. http://forums.ledzeppelin.com/index.php?/topic/14780-best-led-zeppelin-book/
  15. Thanks! I'll have to do some 'research' on her...
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