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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. Cello sonata Italian opera or Wagnerian opera?
  2. Mozart (mostly the operas and piano concertos) Chopin or Liszt?
  3. I love D and C in general, and the outro jams in particular. I haven't listened to enough bootlegs yet to know my favorite..
  4. Swiss Alps Salzburg or Innsbruck?
  5. Stalemate Rather visit: Troy or the Alamo?
  6. Pleasant temperature/humidity here now -- should continue for the next few days.
  7. Swimming Crawl or breaststroke?
  8. Jaws Whale watching or dolphin watching? (or swimming with either)
  9. Three of my favorite directors are Kubrick, Fellini and Allen.
  10. You live in Mississippi? Great state, but it gets SO hot and humid down there during summer heat waves. I've never experienced anything quite like it.
  11. I don't know lipslikecherries, sorry.
  12. They grew on me too -- 'Fernando' is a good song. Edited to add: It would be interesting to know exactly what prompted ABBA to invite Zep to record ITTOD at Polar Studios near Stockholm.
  13. I've always loved "The Winner Takes It All."
  14. An interesting and intriguing tribute to your hometown, Maaike.
  15. Yes Have you ever been to Florida?
  16. That's hard -- I really hope she enjoys the States.
  17. No. Have you ever drunk really cheap wine?
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