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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. In high school I used to picture Plant as being a Shelley or Keats type, and Page as being a Byron (and Paganini) type. With age I realized it was far more complex than that.
  2. Stacy Kiebler Silver necklace or earrings
  3. Wooden roller coaster Young, beautiful fortune-teller or "snake lady" at an amusement park/carnival
  4. I believe the human mind, and the power of the will, are complex and powerful. With that in mind, I have the following question: When some people claim to have seen ghosts and/or demons, or claim to have been in a well-lit room which suddenly went dark after a ritual or incantation was performed, what is really happening? (I should mention that I have spoken to people -- credible people -- who claim to have had such experiences.) Are these people simply hallucinating and/or mentally projecting into their environments? Or are these things occurring objectively in the environment itself? Or both? Thoughts anyone?
  5. Great post. It's true that JPJ probably would have been the heartthrob in most bands. It's amazing how the members of Zep somehow managed to simultaneously seem charismatic and "cool" to the straight men (like me) and sexy and "hot" to the women without alienating either group. It's one of the many fascinating mysteries and dichotomies of Led Zeppelin.
  6. Bratwurst Spicy Mustard or Regular Mustard?
  7. I was under the impression that Page was wearing elements of a Luftwaffe uniform, not an SS uniform.
  8. I watched a T.V. show several nights ago where the argument was put forth that an alien civilization had once (and perhaps still) lived on the moon. The aliens had left remnants of their civilization on the lunar surface in the form of huge bridges, exhaust vents, (now shattered) glass domes and other structures which NASA is aware of and trying to keep secret. At least one former NASA astronaut buys into this theory. I don't know what I think, but I found the show entertaining.
  9. Regular Trivial Pursuit Bo Jackson or Deion Sanders
  10. I don't watch much T.V. nowdays, but as a child one of my favorite T.V. characters was Kolshack on the show "The Night Stalker."
  11. Good point, Walter Also, it's striking to me how many members here on the forum are Americans. Many of our best posters here on the forum hail from the U.K. and elsewhere, but a large number -- I'd guess at least 70 percent of our currently active members -- hail from America.
  12. Indeed it is lovely -- thanks
  13. Lipslikecherries, what is this work of art called and who did it?
  14. I couldn't agree more. Also, the "space trip" money should be donated to charity.
  15. Drew Brees Bo Jackson or Herschel Walker?
  16. Tony Franklin Joe Walsh or Glenn Frey
  17. Pagefan55

    Sir Jimmy Page?

    Weren't most accomplished artists and writers anti-establishment when they were young? Likewise, many of them didn't completely conform to society's mores or standards when they were young men (or women) either. Look at Tolstoy, for example. Are "War and Peace" and "Anna Karinina" somehow lesser works of art because Tolstoy "certainly didn't conform to society's mores when he was a young man?" Should Tolstoy today be any less venerated or honored?
  18. RIP Skye McCole Bartusiak; the actress who played the adorable young daughter in the film, "The Patriot."
  19. This is a wonderfully descriptive post. I know a person in New Orleans who's still disappointed -- 37 years later -- that he didn't get to see Zep at the Superdome in '77. (From what I understand, about 80,000 tickets had been sold to the show.) I don't mean to derail this thread, but I've always wondered how many fans in '77 were disappointed by the banishment of D and C from the set. I wonder if fans discussed it's absence. (I realize a solo bow section replaced it.)
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