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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I spent a few months traveling/backpacking through Russia back in the 90's, and I thought it was a pretty scary place--perhaps (and hopefully) it's changed for the better since then. The biggest problem I had was simply trying to move around the country--the airlines had the world's worst safety record, the trains often felt (and were) unsafe, travel on the roads was dangerous, etc.--and I had a few close-calls. With that said, Moscow and St. Petersburg generally felt safe, and the vast majority of Russians I met were lovely.
  2. Antarctica? That must have been interesting. My farthest is Hobart/Port Arthur, Tasmania. (Australia)
  3. Distant train sounds (tough choice) A wolf howling in the distance or a ship's foghorn in the distance?
  4. Natural D and C - 1969 or 1975?
  5. Obviously all three songs are great, but I would probably go with Kashmir as my favorite. This may come as no surprise to anyone here, but I've noticed that whenever I mention Zep to anyone who is totally unfamiliar with the band (especially foreigners) they almost always reply, "Oh yea, isn't that the band that did Stairway To Heaven? I really like that song."
  6. Mary Ann Original Stepford Wives or the remake?
  7. It does seem like a lot of the old "Zeppelin" arenas and stadiums have disappeared--the Seattle Kingdome, Kezar, Three Rivers Stadium, the old Boston Garden, the Atlanta and Tampa stadiums, etc, etc. It's kind of sad.
  8. It's great that you're traveling around the U.S. and Canada--I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.. You're also very smart to be doing your hard-core traveling while you're still relatively young--once you're over 35 it's not the same.
  9. A friend wants me to go see Journey with them sometime in late Spring/early Summer. I've been told that the new Filipino singer sounds a lot like Steve Perry.
  10. This thread is fascinating...incredible...unbelievable. Mrs. Parker is the epitome of a true Southern lady--she's every bit as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside--supremely kind, gracious, intelligent and talented.
  11. My girlfriend is a big fan of Jewel, the singer, and Jewel's song "Foolish Games" has been stuck in my head for weeks.
  12. The three things that make me the saddest Led Zeppelin didn't do: 1) That a re-invigorated Led Zeppelin didn't have the opportunity to continue making music and touring during the 80's and beyond. 2) That Led Zeppelin didn't have the opportunity to continue touring throughout the rest of '75. Their plans included tours through North America, Scandinavia, and (probably) South America. During their South American tour, they most likely would have played (at least) one gig in a gigantic soccer stadium, probably in front of 100,000--180,000 people. 3) That Led Zeppelin didn't have the opportunity to complete the '77 North American tour. Around 250,000 tickets had already been sold to just three of the cancelled gigs.
  13. It would be interesting to know how many superfans followed Zep around from city to city--Grateful Dead style--during the band's tours in the late 60's/70's. There must have been some fans who followed the band around on tour.
  14. I agree --Zep was all about the music
  15. Hi Otto Masson. Back in 2001 I spent two weeks in Iceland and had a great time. I know next to nothing about the Icelandic music scene, but when I was in Reykijavic I visited and hung-out in a bar where an Icelandic band--playing only American country music--was performing. They were good. The band members were each dressed for the part--two were wearing cowboy hats--and another guy standing near the stage was waving around a Confederate flag. It was great fun.
  16. I completely agree with The Dark Lord. It's wise to never underestimate the prevalence--and power--of envy and jealousy amongst the weak and insecure.
  17. Page and Hendrix stand alone at the top--Page is 1a and Hendrix is 1b.
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