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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. The fact it's college football Saturday.
  2. I love the above print/engraving.
  3. No (I'm boring) Have you ever dated someone of the same sex?
  4. Interesting. I wasn't aware that this type of thing might have been going-on during the '77 tour. (nepotism-related work issues, etc)
  5. No Have you ever been romantically attracted to anyone of your own gender?
  6. Yes (sort of) Have you ever broken up with someone because of the actions of others?
  7. Last week, a Russian satellite fell from orbit and burned up over the United States. The Russian government denies it lost a satellite.
  8. Another good author is Henry James. I liked "Portrait of a Lady." I once tried to read Proust's 4000 page long "Remembrance of Things Past" but I quit after the first 300 pages.
  9. I don't own any pets, but I'm thinking about getting either a Collie or an Alaskan Huskie.
  10. Is anyone still worried about the fiscal cliff? Our national debt is now approaching 18 trillion. I'm not sure what to think about it.
  11. I went through a metal detecting phase briefly as a child. I gave up quickly when I failed to find a treasure, lol.
  12. I got a lot of these questions right, but by no means all.
  13. I love the Heartbreaker sequence in TSRTS
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