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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I shot an 88 on a tough golf course, today. I'm happy about my score.
  2. Hi Dante Cubit. Welcome to the forum.
  3. Have another few glasses of wine, lol.
  4. That's my favorite Bob Marley song!
  5. The Harvest moon is tomorrow night. Everyone should try to see it.
  6. My favorite cities are probably Copenhagen, Quebec City, London, Paris, Florence, Budapest, Barcelona, Cape Town and Perth.
  7. I try to walk 2-3 miles every morning. Also some swimming.
  8. I'd probably say my favorites were War and Peace, Anna Karenina, Les Miserables, Tale of Two Cities, and the collected works of Edgar Allen Poe.
  9. I love the Pre-Raphaelite period.
  10. While driving during the past few weeks I've encountered several major Page avenues or roads-- in Virginia Beach, etc
  11. Lol. I agree with your observations and hypothesis about the mob, grasbo.
  12. Gone with the Wind and La Dolce Vita are among my favorites.
  13. The earth just had a near miss from an undetected asteroid.
  14. The latest theory is that our universe exists as a projection near the perimeter of a huge black hole in another four dimensional universe.
  15. I've been to New Orleans numerous times, but I've never been during Mardi Gras. I'm thinking about going next year.
  16. I like Budapest and Vienna. The former is quite cheap.
  17. I loved St. Petersburg. Berlin was all construction cranes.:-) I loved Cape Town and Southern Africa -- lots of good people.
  18. Reykjavik, Iceland, is another great city that hasn't been mentioned. And Copenhagen.
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