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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I've been to a few concerts alone, but I prefer having someone with me. It's nice to have someone to talk too and share the experience with.
  2. Interesting list. Bathory may -- or may not -- have been as guilty as people believe today.
  3. Pagefan55


    Well stated. These are facts that need to be remembered.
  4. Let's not forget all of the sexual violence perpetrated against women and children in the Western world either. There is an epidemic of it.
  5. An even better one: "My child is inmate of the month at County Jail." Hilarious.
  6. Nice post, Scylla. The Catholic Church has been outlawed? Border controls? Hahahaha....
  7. There are other threads here on the forum that comprehensively deal with this issue.
  8. English, Scottish, and a little Welsh. A lot of "my people's" ancestors came over in the late 17th and 18th centuries.
  9. Ebert was the only film critic who's reviews I regularly read and who's input I valued and gave credence too. I still miss his insights and analysis..
  10. This is a great description of Virginia, Virginia. As you know, our state has witnessed a huge influx of "damn Yankees" over the years, lol, but we've survived, and I can tell you that Richmond still remains largely a polite, somewhat sleepy quintessentially Southern town. With the possible exception of the "double names" you mentioned, I don't think Virginia has many state-specific negative stereotypes.
  11. No Ever taken Karate or Kung-Fu?
  12. Other events which occurred in '67 and have barely been mentioned on this thread include: Ali was stripped of his heavyweight title for refusing to be drafted; the Israelis fought the '67 war in the Middle East; race riots broke out in major cities across the U.S.; miniskirts became popular with huge numbers of American women; and the first discos and singles bars appeared in the United States.
  13. I believe that many UFO sightings --the ones that are very difficult to explain -- are probably top-secret government aircraft. Perhaps not all of them though....
  14. True. You Aussies were awesome fighters. (in Vietnam too)
  15. That's a great list. My experience with War And Peace -- which is maybe 1400 pages long -- was similar to yours with Gone With The Wind. Once I made it through the first one hundred pages or so I couldn't put it down.
  16. As many know, the Japanese seriously considered invading and occupying Darwin and parts of Northern Australia during the war. They never acted on these plans for both strategic and logistical reasons. They never seriously considered attempting to invade or occupy Southern Australia..
  17. Not intentionally Have you ever tried skydiving?
  18. Well, it was obviously an allusion to Horus, the Egyptian Sun God. -- one of Crowley's favorites. Lol. Just joking.
  19. Charles, I wish I had more stories to share. I'm just an intermediate skier. I've skied Killington and Stowe in Vermont, and Loon and Waterville Valley in New Hampshire. I also skied for two days at Kitzbuhl in Austria. And of course I've skied some tiny mountains here in Virginia. I can get down any run without falling, but I don't always look good doing it, that's for sure. Lol.
  20. Great post -- I agree. Budapest is worth mentioning too.
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