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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I don't think it was Eddie Kramer. I think it was probably a member of the road crew.
  2. Pagefan55


    I couldn't agree more.
  3. I certainly don't believe Page cursed Bowie (or anyone else) but I can understand why Bowie -- in his mental state at the time -- might have believed he had been cursed.
  4. I've read that the U.S. government sent Spam to the Russians during WW2 (as part of our aid program) and the Russians mostly hated it. I don't know if this is true.
  5. The French do seem superior in many respects...in cooking, fashion, cinema, and...well...they did produce Bardot, Deneuve and many others...
  6. Excellent observations, Scylla. I particularly love Allen's "Coke" scene and the scenes with Annie's brother and family. "Crimes and Misdemeanors" and "Manhattan" are excellent films too -- it goes without saying.
  7. Agreed. Many nurses are kind, dedicated, attractive and professional. Likewise, I once knew a pediatric oncology nurse who worked with children dying of cancer. I once spotted a bumper sticker that said, "My son was inmate of the month at County Jail." Lol.
  8. It's rightly regarded to be sensationalized and inflammatory. But I still think it's a good read. Btw, the Dave Lewis books are excellent.
  9. Led Zeppelin and the Beatles were the greatest bands in history. IMO. The Who were operating at a lower level.
  10. I wouldn't start with WGWTE because the italicized part is too off-putting. I might start with Hammer of the Gods --a controversial recommendation I know -- or perhaps a book such as Trampled Underfoot or Heaven and Hell.
  11. There have been any number of books that come to mind.
  12. I also suspect that Page commissioned an artist to paint it, if he didn't paint it himself.
  13. Yes Have you ever gone river rafting (or canoeing?)
  14. Yes Have you ever been to Morocco?
  15. Yes (as a child) Been scuba diving?
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