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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. You live in Mississippi? Great state, but it gets SO hot and humid down there during summer heat waves. I've never experienced anything quite like it.
  2. I don't know lipslikecherries, sorry.
  3. They grew on me too -- 'Fernando' is a good song. Edited to add: It would be interesting to know exactly what prompted ABBA to invite Zep to record ITTOD at Polar Studios near Stockholm.
  4. I've always loved "The Winner Takes It All."
  5. An interesting and intriguing tribute to your hometown, Maaike.
  6. Yes Have you ever been to Florida?
  7. That's hard -- I really hope she enjoys the States.
  8. No. Have you ever drunk really cheap wine?
  9. Yes Have you ever drunk absinthe?
  10. Once Have you ever travelled abroad?
  11. No Have you ever given money to a beggar?
  12. I've observed the same phenomenon. Many people who believe they were re-incarnated claim to have been powerful, rich, high status folks in their previous lives. ("I was the queen of Egypt" etc.) Virtually nobody claims to have been -- say -- a lowly serf toiling in the fields whom died young and possessed no power, money or status at all. Lol.
  13. Love Shack -- Bananarama (I believe)
  14. I don't mean to intrude on a "woman's only" thread, but as lipslikecherries and SozoZoso pointed out, it's interesting how the perception of tanned skin and social class has changed over the centuries. ("Ladies" once prided themselves on their pale skin, etc.) I would suggest the women here be careful not to over-expose themselves to the sun. Skin cancer is a real threat to all of us, and skin damage due to sun overexposure is too: It's not attractive to see a 30 or 40-something year old woman with the tough, leathery, lined skin of an old, veteran sailor.
  15. Geekfreak, it sounds like you have good taste in opera and ballet.
  16. As usual, an excellent description and analysis, Strider. I've visited Bayreuth and am a passionate admirer of Tannhauser and Lohengrin. (btw, I once heard The Flying Dutchman in the famous Sydney Opera house)
  17. Ebk, it sounds delicious. I'm looking forward to hearing how the rest of your trip goes.
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