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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. Excellent observations. Also, in the turmoil of the Vietnam/post-Vietnam War era, many young Americans might have been subconsciously yearning for a rock band that employed a more structured "tangents within a framework" approach to music.
  2. Great thread. '68 was indeed an eventful year -- it's been called "the most eventful year in American history since the Civil War." That same year was also hugely eventful elsewhere in the world -- in "Swinging" London, and during the intense worker/student protests in Paris and elsewhere in France, etc. Then, of course, there was '69....
  3. These are truly wonderful. I'd love to see more of your historical doodles, SozoZoso. Maybe Lady Jane Grey, etc.
  4. All of these -- particularly the All of these smells -- particularly the last four -- are great scents which I don't believe anybody on this thread has previously mentioned.
  5. Pagefan55

    Paul McCartney

    Agreed. It's wonderful to hear you had a great time.
  6. Pagefan55

    Sir Jimmy Page?

    Absolutely. It's ludicrous that he's not a "sir", yet. He's one of the finest artists (not merely musicians) whom Britain has ever produced.
  7. I agree with most of the above-mentioned songs. (I still enjoy hearing WLL and some of the Eagles songs, though). Another song I despise is "We Built This City."
  8. I completely agree. I'm by no means overly superstitious, but I do have an interesting story to share: When I was 18, I received my first and only Tarot card reading from a female fortune teller. She lay down my cards, looked very concerned, and then said something to me along the lines of, "You will soon suffer a very close call. Luckily, your guardian angel/the spirits will be watching closely over you and you won't be harmed." Then one morning, about 6 weeks later, I was driving down a rain-slicked highway at about 50 mph when my car spun-out, crossed the other lane, rolled over twice, and slammed upside down into a tree, nearly totaling the car. I wasn't wearing a seat belt, but walked away without a scratch. (I'm now in my 40's, and this incident is easily the closest I've ever come to being seriously injured.) Today, I tend to believe that the proximity of my Tarot reading and my car accident was just a bizarre coincidence...probably...
  9. I love the photos posted on this thread -- excellent pics from Canada, Ireland, Finland, Washington State, etc, etc. Amazing job.
  10. Charles and jimjam, I agree with both of you. I fully recognize that the Who were a great band: They had a LOT of great songs and put on a great stage show, but for whatever reason they (and their music) never really "clicked" with me. Their instrument smashing habits also bothered me a bit -- it seemed gratuitous and unnecessary.
  11. Too many to name. If I had to choose, maybe Over the Hills.
  12. Agree with all of the above -- the Rain Song is amazing.
  13. Scylla, These photos are awesome. Particularly the top one of the band standing together and the one of Plant standing alone in front of the blackboard.
  14. ....if you can find a pretty one...
  15. Hi John, Congrats for discovering Zep. Here on the forum we have a "best books about Zep" thread which you might consider perusing. And you're right, Zep was so much more than just a heavy metal/rock band.
  16. ebk, thanks for that information. It was kind of you to respond so promptly. I'd previously heard the "winter in San Francisco" quote but I didn't know Twain had said it. I seem to remember you mentioning in another thread that a niece of yours lived in Oz. (Sydney?) Anyway, I hope she has a wonderful time here in the States.
  17. ebk, is it a good walk "spoiled" or "ruined?" Lol.
  18. I'm not a big fan of G n R, but I am a fan of two of their songs: November Rain and Sweet Child of Mine.
  19. It's true. It's also interesting how many lines we use (often without realizing it) from "serious" figures such as Shakespeare and Pope.
  20. In the movie "Dukes of Hazzard," one of the "Duke boys" wears a Zep shirt during much of the film. I'm curious what the back story for this was: Presumably one of the principals involved in the production was a big Zep fan.
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