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Everything posted by Pagefan55

  1. I'm in my mid-40's and I do remember that period. I was young and largely unaware of the issue, but I do vaguely remember hearing a little talk that certain bands--particularly Def Leppard--were going to be the "next Zeppelin." Needless to say, that didn't happen. I also remember reading an interview with Joe Elliot, Leppard's lead singer, maybe 10 years ago, where he expressed his hope that someday Leppard would be accepted as one of the great English rock bands, in the same league with Zep, the Stones, Floyd, the Who, etc. Needless to say, that hasn't happened either. I should mention that in my HS (mid-80's) Leppard was particularly popular with some of the best-looking "rebel" girls, and I myself really liked (and still really like) a few of their songs: "Bringing on the Heartbreak," "Animal," etc.
  2. I'm not sure about 9/11--haven't studied it enough--but after reading a lot about the JFK assassination (and visiting Dealey Plaza) I've concluded that Oswald acted alone.
  3. Great pics Zepscoda and Strider. Love the Seal! I've always wanted to explore the Pacific Northwest but haven't gotten there yet.
  4. Pagefan55

    Golf Talk

    I just discovered this thread. I've been playing recreational golf for about 10 years. I'm a 15-18 handicap. (there are two nice 6800 yard courses within a few miles of my house.) About a year ago, my friends and I decided that Woods had less than a 50/50 chance of tying Nicklaus's record--and (obviously) a smaller chance of actually breaking it. At this point, I don't believe Woods will ever tie the record--just a guess.
  5. Hi Cacamalionte!! We're glad you're here. It's great to see Brazilian fans joining the community. Many people here are readers, and many of us wish we'd been old enough to see Zep.
  6. Hi, welcome to the forum. You'll find a lot of nice people here, including some who are extremely knowledgable about Zep.
  7. I know people who have seen the film "Some Kind of Monster" and the reviews from those people have been mixed. I'm not a big Metallica fan, but I like the song, "For Whom The Bell Tolls."
  8. I've seen 4 Zep tribute bands. I don't want to name any names, or hurt any feelings, but all 4 bands were a big musical disappointment. (2 of the bands looked really good, though.) All 4 bands exclusively played the studio versions of the songs--I'd been hoping for a serious attempt to re-create a live performance--and I/we left feeling like we should have just stayed at home and listened to our Zep albums. I've heard some good things about the band "No Quarter," but I've never seen them.
  9. The words that I would use are majestic, sublime, magical, mysterious, and powerful. For me, the word "majestic" comes the closest to describing Zep--particularly their best live performances. Page and Plant standing together on stage--I'm thinking specifically of some of the classic scenes in TSRTS--is the greatest, most majestic vision in rock history.
  10. I spent a little time in Kiev. It was mostly a positive experience. The police there had kind of a racket going-on though (this was back in the 90's). Some of the bars didn't have toilets, (or had "malfunctioning" toilets) and customers would be forced to step-out back to urinate. The police would be waiting to arrest them for indecent exposure when they did so, but paying a small bribe to the police would get the customer of the hook. I never fell for this ruse, but I knew people that did.
  11. Stryder1978 Your whole experience down there sounds awesome.
  12. It's located on the eastern shore of the Loch, near the village of Foyers, about 15 miles south of Inverness.
  13. Also given the Chinese government's official "one child" policy, a lot of forced abortions, etc. It is very sad.
  14. I got my spring cleaning finished last week. It probably took me 3 full days (stretched out over a 6 week long period) to get it all finished. I'm currently attempting--without much success--to get some work done on my computer.
  15. Hi lucisfero, I've always liked this interview too. It's remarkable how quickly Burroughs "got" Zeppelin. I also love Page's "nitroglycerin" quote. This interview also puts to a lie the allegations that Zep was trying to "push" anything onto their audiences. To the contrary, the band was watching out for and trying to protect it's audiences.
  16. I love your painting, Reswati. There's a great French film festival coming to Richmond next week. It's an annual event which I attended last year. It's remarkable to me that a town like Richmond--a relatively sleepy place--now regularly hosts some of the biggest names in French cinema.
  17. I spent a few months traveling/backpacking through Russia back in the 90's, and I thought it was a pretty scary place--perhaps (and hopefully) it's changed for the better since then. The biggest problem I had was simply trying to move around the country--the airlines had the world's worst safety record, the trains often felt (and were) unsafe, travel on the roads was dangerous, etc.--and I had a few close-calls. With that said, Moscow and St. Petersburg generally felt safe, and the vast majority of Russians I met were lovely.
  18. Antarctica? That must have been interesting. My farthest is Hobart/Port Arthur, Tasmania. (Australia)
  19. Obviously all three songs are great, but I would probably go with Kashmir as my favorite. This may come as no surprise to anyone here, but I've noticed that whenever I mention Zep to anyone who is totally unfamiliar with the band (especially foreigners) they almost always reply, "Oh yea, isn't that the band that did Stairway To Heaven? I really like that song."
  20. It does seem like a lot of the old "Zeppelin" arenas and stadiums have disappeared--the Seattle Kingdome, Kezar, Three Rivers Stadium, the old Boston Garden, the Atlanta and Tampa stadiums, etc, etc. It's kind of sad.
  21. It's great that you're traveling around the U.S. and Canada--I'm sure you'll have a fantastic time.. You're also very smart to be doing your hard-core traveling while you're still relatively young--once you're over 35 it's not the same.
  22. A friend wants me to go see Journey with them sometime in late Spring/early Summer. I've been told that the new Filipino singer sounds a lot like Steve Perry.
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