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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Haven't seen it, can ya post it?
  2. Kinda reminds me of the day in 2001 when one night I decided "my ego and image had to die" After a free festival and some beers I went home and cut off all my hair with a (Hobbit sized) sword. Managed to get some cuts in my head as well. At one moment the doorbell rang, and I opened it. Guess my visitor kinda freaked completely after seeing me covered in bushes of hair, water and blood, lol. The next day was the first day since I was a baby that I experienced rain on my head.....quite weird, and VERY cold It took me 3 years to regrow it all again, but it was fun to see all kinds of weird hairdo's develop, at one stage I kinda looked like Liam Gallagher, then came the Jim Morrison coupe etcetera etcetera.
  3. Do you have any cool Mother Love Bone footage with good sound which you could post here? (Personally I like them more than Pearl Jam, not a big fan of Eddie's singing voice)
  4. The people at our local record store had a very unique plastic bag for me:
  5. The Berkeley vinyl is from the Earls Court May 24th gig.
  6. Wanted: nothing I have everything I want. Got: a bottle of absinthe.
  7. This "my ancestors were better people than your ancestors" stuff is completely braindead.
  8. Glad you enjoyed the little film. I am the guy with the wings who looks a bit like Jesus, the kid with the bell is my daughter, lol.
  9. Go shoot that goddamn mountain, lol.
  10. Doesn't change that violence is not an answer. Btw, weapons killed more people than the Everest and the inquisition combined ever will. dbddhkp
  11. Something COMPLETELY different, Immense Christmas greetings to all of you, and a free performance of the street theater group that roamed the streets of my home town (Including my own, ahum, slightly intoxicated talents performing a bright and gay happy little song) Bless ya, love one another!
  12. May the Sam remain the same. Happy celebration day to you, rock on!
  13. I am glad you survived meeting that imbecile.
  14. Sweet, although I expexted you to do things doggystyle.
  15. Well, uhmm, since you have a very interesting profile picture indeed..................how do YOU look LedZeppfan77? Btw I DO judge peoples looks.
  16. I stood at the bottom of the Mediterranean sea and have decided since then, that it was not the perfect place for sightseeing, lol.
  17. Found this, hope it may help you. http://www.solmill.co.uk/gallery/index.html
  18. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frikandel
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