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Everything posted by reswati

  1. Another Finn video, this was the encore of last weekend's concert............ Edit............Halfway the first verse Neil realized someone close to him sang harmonies, so he gave me a short look..................when the kid completely screwed up the lyrics later (I was still singing the correct text) Neil gave me a look again, and started grinning.............oh those magical moments, lol).
  2. Great musicians.................saw Neil in concert last weekend and I am planning to go see another concert by him this August when he returns.
  3. A random fact about myself..................I hate getting up early, since I'm more nocturnal minded.
  4. Just bought an album of Haka yesterday..................this is about the coolest dance ever.
  5. Nice for you, popsicleboy, Love your picture, nice to see a face behind the 18230 postings :-)
  6. And of course....a pic of myself, since I realize this thread was designed for that purpose, and not to hit on other members with cheesy one liners/worders one wouldn't dare to use in the non-virtual (real) world.
  7. Hahaha, wanking is not a sex life (but an issue to use a tissue). Sorry if I find your seduction skills lame, but you only have yourself to blame. Everybody here hopes that one day you may get your life back on the rails. So in the meantime keep dreaming bout teens in pigtails. (So far to our butthurt victim "friend" Stiff Jones).
  8. So we all agree he tried to write "wank" and made a typo due to freaking around with the wrong knob ?!?
  9. Off to Rotterdam to see Neil Finn in concert.
  10. A walk through our local record shop which has become the biggest one in the whole country by now. In this video all the vinyl is still upstairs, but by now vinyl has also made his comeback downstairs. Sounds - Venlo Ok, after much delay, finally here’s the second chapter of this endeavor: ladies and gentlemen please give a big round of applause for Sounds in Venlo! In past few years I’ve been travelling quite a few times through Brabantia, Limburg and Westphalia and tried to find some nice digging spots along the way. I would have never expected this area was hiding one of the best joints in whole Europe for the wax hunter. Sounds is located right in the cute pedestrian downtown area of Venlo and has been there for quite a while. I know there’s at least one more chapter sharing the Sounds name in the Netherlands (Tilburg) but the two entities are not connected in any way. I’ve been told the the Venlo shop is the bigger of the two. However, back to business. Sounds’ ground floor has mainly cd/dvd releases, books, action figures and some brand new records. To hit the jackpot you need to walk to the back of the store and then up the stairs to find yourself in vinyl heaven. Their extensive catalogue of new and 2nd hand records is very well organized and covers the whole spectrum: from easy listening to metal, from hip hop to wave and then some. Be forewarned that it will take several hours to dig through the whole thing. Prices are quite fair and you’ll definitely find some gems waiting for you. Maybe it’s the proximity to the famous Music On Vinyl label but Sounds has the best prices I’ve seen worldwide for their wonderful represses. Sometimes they do in store shows and the schedule is on their website. Here come the ratings: Selection: 5/5 Prices: 4/5 Organization: 4.5/5 Personalized store bag: 4.5/5 (yep and a cool one too!) Location: 4/5 (right downtown, no car access, needs some walking, parking could be a problem) Parade 66 Venlo
  11. Not really on tv but on the computer (I hardly use tv anymore, commercials piss me off)....................."Lost" Decided to get all seasons to have a complete series without having to wait another week for each next episode.
  12. And another writer dies....RIP Umberto Eco. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/20/arts/international/umberto-eco-italian-semiotician-and-best-selling-author-dies-at-84.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
  13. The first episode of the series "Vinyl"..................and yes, they have a scene with Led Zeppelin in it, and an angry Peter Grant who more or less has the same historic outburst that was in TSRTS. Must admit this film version of both Grant as well as Zep has a very cartoonish vibe to it.
  14. Never forgotten, such a great spirit...........cheers to you wherever you may be right now.
  15. Or reborn in case it was a Hindu or Buddhist.
  16. At times Ozzy sounds so horribly out of key it's almost a menace.......mixed emotions bout this tour.
  17. Never heard of that album, was it recorded by these guys who also brought us "Chinese Destruction" and "Incidentally use your Spaghetti" part 1&2 ?
  18. Aloo matar...............takes some time to cook it but..................ahhh
  19. Jimmy Bain (bass player for Rainbow and later Dio) just passed away. Thank you for the music, rest in peace.
  20. To keep it related to the galaxy far, far away.............my teenage crush
  21. 10-10-1969 Including le DJ from la France..................hang the DJ.................
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