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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Ballad Of A Thin Man ~ Dylan
  2. Real trauma .... Now, how is it a teenager would need it?? Actually I did see a show where this couple were swingers, young too, and he took it to ....please all for as long as possible..I guess. Whoa..just as I hit reply I see these Humongous boobs flash for a second or two, damn near blinded me, then the pic Hermit posted RESIZED......................
  3. Can't wait to hear your stories, Aren't you jazzed?

    have a ball.

  4. CNN makes alot of mistakes. But NOT with Anderson Cooper.
  5. Glad to see this is still UP. I always wondered about how someone would actually ask the doc about that. What would they do about it. I miss those days too guys.
  6. yeah, right.....sig size.... Dangit! Just when it's getting good....I have to share my puter. But, please keep it UP Hermit!
  7. This is leading into steamy territory isn't it? Hiya Shuge!
  8. Wow Hermit.........I never knew.....................
  9. Maryjane's Last Dance ~ Tom Petty
  10. Hey, GOOD for Glasgow It is plain inconsiderate to Mother Earth to just chuck that nasty crap on the ground! Makes me mad when I see someone tossing butts on the ground, I feel like going up to them and saying " Um...you Dropped something! " I think our inner hippie just came out ...
  11. Same here. I'm afraid I will be up allllllllllllllllllll night. But..oh boy wait until Tuesday, when I'm sure we will all get to see some!! How will the Men Of Zep sleep... ? Maybe not very much.
  12. Damn Manders, what a week, first your sliced thumb, now this. Be careful! Now I forgot what I was going to say....................... oh well...not important i guess.... mmmmmm daughter just brought 'lunch'...mmmmmmmm
  13. "I'm so excited.. and I just can't hide it. I'm about to lose control and I think I like it........" Pointer Sisters.
  14. Well, again it sounds better than Bonaroooooooo And they DID say "unofficial." Sounds more likely than any other news I've heard. I'm so nervous right now, and I'm not even there.
  15. Just kinda blows me away, in a city the size of London, they don't have transit all night. Even in BF SLC our "train" runs at least till one AM.
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