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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Man you have a dangerous job. I heard on the news this am they were evacuating. I thought of our Al. Hope you are safe.
  2. Why not get another son in on it. Logan could fill papas shoes. If Jason can, why not Logan...for all of you who are SO mad at Plant. He is the spitting image of his father...just brown hair instead of blonde. " It would still be Plants blood"....right?
  3. Wonderful pics Aqua!!!! Looks like you were up close. Cool. Thanks for posting those.
  4. Ten dates a US TOUR...... I really don't see the point anymore. Greed.........
  5. I think Jason should get them.
  6. Good to see you back. Hope you had a great time...
  7. Who?? Todd? dunno...but I'd like to... Oh and to someone who asked, it is Open Up And Bleed by Paul Trynka. Yes, I'm afraid I'm not into anything too serious this time of year. Maybe I should try Crime and Punishment or something worthier than bios. Nah...Save that for winter.
  8. Knock knock: "who's there?" nine eleven. "nine eleven who?" See, and you said you'd "never forget!"
  9. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Stinky right wing radicals. pewwwww.
  10. Whewwww. Scary thought thinking of Del either on a trail foaming at the mouth with a bat and a gun or rabidly attacking the widdle bunnie wabbits in his.....must be a mansion on the hill type thing.
  11. Well, it was yesterday... but I'm so happy for my daughter. She got the job she really wanted. When she's happy, I'm happy. And as right this minute we might get some RAIN!!!!!!!! Cue, Rain Song.
  12. Amen to that! Ohhhhhh Jahfin........ Where areeeee youuuuu???????? Seriously, where the heck is he? I was waiting for his reviews. Hope he's ok.
  13. Hey! Your photography is amazing! Many kudos to you. Welcome! edited for a really dumb mistake.
  14. Someone asked I scan the pic of Corel (?) at Rodneys. Sorry it's small, but you can enlarge it to see it better. Such is NOT the case in the pic of a naked Iggy. Nothing SMALL about it! Whoa! He may even have Robert beat in that area..........
  15. Thanks Sam, that then confirms the San Fran date. Yeah!!! We can now book our rooms.
  16. Me too. Drinking that much Vodka will quickly kill your liver and pancreas. It is very sad. Like I tell some....the blessed herb is so much safer. So what if he has some bimbo with him. Time to call Dr. Drew.
  17. I missed Lakey's post. I'm so sorry for your loss Lake. That is never, ever easy. Our cat is about 12. I get freaked every time he acts weird, thinking it may be something serious. I dread that day he has to leave us. I HOPE and pray he outlives me. Our state also FINALLY passed a bill to make it a felony to hurt or abuse animals.!!!! * yet in some states it is just a misdemeanor to beat the crap out of your spouse * Assholes who torture animals often move on to beating, or even killing humans.
  18. Well, now I finished the autobiograhy of Iggy Pop. Yes, Ronnie was wacked in that book, but hey, I didn't buy it. I was more interested in the gossip anyway. I'm always amazed at what the wives of rockers put up (and sometimes JOIN in on) with, and how they do it. Back to Iggy...there was an interesting little tid-bit about Page. Iggy had flown one of the LA groupies to join him at a new show in NYC, this was 73. Well he never showed to pick her up. So she was stranded at the airport, her name Corel, Sable's sister. So happened Jimmy Page was getting ready to fly back home, at the same airport, and recognized her from LA. So she told him of her plight, and Jimmy then talks her into going with him, instead. So, she did, and flew off to London with Jimmy and stayed with him about a month. I have the pick of them in the book, I'll try to scan it. edited for a mistake a sweet friend pointed out to me.::
  19. Hotplant


    Starting next month our state employees' will begin a new four day work week. State offices for most agencies be closed on Friday. They will be open later everyday though, which is a godsend to people who can't make it to these offices because they are at work. So now, the most active one...DMV, will finally have after normal buisness hours. At least till 6pm. The only one I'm worried about is the State liquor stores. Haven't found out if they will be affected. My guess is no. Since they are open on Saturday anyway. I think it sounds good. A three day weekend? FINALLY!!!!! Would you like that?
  20. And it's this joy that creates happiness for those who listen to this modern minstrel. Good for you Robert. Everyone should follow their path, and whatever it is that keeps them happy. And BTW.....we have EVERY size venue here you could possibly imagine, so... a, Don't forget us this time round, K? heheheheh....
  21. Wow. The laws vary so much from state to state. Here anyone who isn't a felon or mental can carry a concealed weapon, with a permit. Last week in an area of town known to have gang trouble, this guy is sitting there at a patio restaurant and a man starts yelling at him from a distance. Then the man yelling starts to approach him, and the dude seated pulls out a gun and friggen kills the guy Right there, BOOM! He said the man was going for something in his pocket, he thought it "would" be a gun and kills him. Some "witnesses" said that he "was just defending himself." Remember, this is the west side the other side of the tracks, literally. So gangs of course stick up for their own. But I was blown away (forgive that line). The cops said they are not saying whether the victim did indeed have a gun. That is taking defending oneself a bit ...way to far.
  22. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    ^ spats needs a shrink. would he protect his mother....hmmmm....???? Pet peeve of the day: Stores that let icky car lquids stay in the lot and the grease gets so hot in the summer it looks sick, mixed with melted ice cream drips and anti feeze drips and cigarette butts, arrrggghhhh... Or people who spill oil all over while they top off. I once broke my toe slipping on that crap. jerks.
  23. Well, I for one saw on the website Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Fest in OCT. They have Robert Plant and Alison Krauss on the "list of performers" on the poster. Yet you go to the line up and stage times and it only shows T-Bone with other musicians. That's a bit irritating, so I'm going to call tomorrow, see what they say. I'd kinda like to know before we book a room.
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