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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I finished Ronnie ... the autobiography of Ron Wood. Really good read, he was refreshingly honest, about everything. Extramarital affairs and all, and how so many of the same rockers and chicks back then seemed to all screw each other eventually. Funny! Photos of all his kids, the moms. I'd recommend it.
  2. Hotplant


    Hahaha...In the summer there are plenty of free concerts outdoors, bring a blankie and a bottle (wine that is) and enjoy. Now, I sometimes wind up babysitting for my eldest daughter so she can go shake her booty. When I used to go out on weekends, I never expected a guy to buy my drinks, but as it usually went I never had to pay for the second one. If the person buying became a pest I'd bluntly tell him to fuck off. More often, my friends and I would pick the cream of the crop and if they invited us, we'd have a great night with each other, dancing and having a ball. 99.9 percent of the time I went home alone. I have no problem with a guy buying. I also come prepared to pay for all my own. Of course here we have ladies night too, where drinks are free till 11 pm or so, sometimes all night. Usually Thursdays. When I was married it was stay home and take the kids somewhere. I'm actually glad my wild days are done, it's nice to not wake up hung-over and sick as a dog.
  3. WOW. You came all the way over here to follow him? Interesting. That story in Phoenix is craaaazzy! I'd have beat the crap out of that dude. In past shows I've noticed Robert does keep a keen eye out in the audience, and has spotted the trouble makers several times, and like you said, warns security and trys to get the "problem" solved before it gets out of hand. That's funny what T-Bone did. Funny too, it is usually GUYS who do the crazy stuff around Robert, not chicks. Can't believe hotel security wasn't better keeping people away from his door. Then again it's not the old days when Zep had the entire floors and no one could get past the gorillas stationed at the elevator. Thanks for posting the interesting reviews.
  4. I love star, moon, planet gazing. The best has been in New Mexico, and Arizona. I always saw sooo many shooting stars there. At spaceweather.com they also have a link to some gorgeous auroras and ice crystals. Pure Mother Nature beauty.
  5. A beautiful city regardless. Ooppps, this is Dels midlife obssesion............... * At least she's legal, even if you could be her dad. *
  6. I love Hermit. So everything on earth is going up, and up, and up.....no end in sight. My secrect wish would be that all the right wingers (since THEY can handle the prices... ) would be to have it reach, say 20 bucks a gallon. hell, they don't mind.
  7. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    mmmmhmmmm.... Actually I wandered over here for the 666 in this post. If anyone can dispell that it's Robert.
  8. RAPHAEL ! ! RAPHAEL ! ! I was rooting for him three years ago. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! Best match I've seen. No doubt two of the BEST. Sad, Fed didn't tie Borgs record, but Rafa has deserved this after such grueling competitions! I'm so happy for Spain!! Soccer, now tennis.....Grrrrrowwwow. Spaniards *sigh* Federer acts like such a cocky mutha on court, but in interviews and such he seems like a nice enough guy.
  9. Sorry Joel, but you really blew it this time.

    I don't condone what you did on the board the other night. So, despite that previous comment,

    You really blew it.

  10. I got two musicains bios at the library yesterday, and I can't wait to read them. One is Ronnie Wood's autobiography, and the other Iggy Pop biography. So, I'll be cranking up the AC and have a good read today. See ya... Oh, I also got the Anna Nicole bio, shhhhh....
  11. Hotplant

    Photos !

    Wow, MSG, That is cool they can draw from the pond. Good to have around! Great pics. Katy, those are scary looking, but the geyser one is FUNNY the way you described it! Fires are everywhere right now. And mostly caused by Mother Nature herself, we just had one of those blasted pallet places blow up, leaving gastly air, and making it a red day. Meaning, if you have any breathing problems, they advise staying in. That sucks.
  12. Seeing an old boyfiend I had way back, we're just friends now, but I got some really good laughs last night. Oh, the memories of those days! We did some crazy stuff, but it was always, always fun. He has grey in his hair too, and a tiny beer belly. Anyhoots it made me so happy. Oh, and I asked him about the 69 Zep concert, and he remembered, but not the details I wanted. He said he was blithered, and split early. I couldn't believe that, but he said some chick kept bugging him, so he took off.
  13. That is so funny!! At least their music is being carried on! Yeah!
  14. It was something else. And a blast!
  15. ^ The first one is always the best.
  16. If only we were so lucky....Not many like "it" are allowed to stay after nothing but bash after bash after bash.
  17. Come on....don't be like that!!!! Was it......sex??? well...Playboy....or ...
  18. Hmmm. So this Kentucky gal must be full of it then. ROBERT AND ALISON: FOR ETERNITY! pfft.
  19. Yeah, for being THE Bear, he was as sweet as a teddy "bear." I love his deep voice. I'm going to have to pick up some of their old stuff again.
  20. Inspired by the Steppenwolf thread and The Pusher, I searched for my fav (one anyway): Amphetamine Annie Work Together Work Together On The Road Again On The Road Again Going up The Country Going Up The Country If the link isn't working, the first song will lead you to the others. For one summer my gf and I listened to "Boogie with Canned Heat" and the first Zep LP non stop. Ps: I'm no expert in linking these suckers, so bear with me. There's another clip featuring Gatemouth Brown, who I've also seen, and met. I couldn't find my other fav: "The Police In Denver" (well they don't like no long haired hippies hangin' around)
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