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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Scoring tickets to BOB DYLAN!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited, because I have had many, many chances to see him and for one reason or another I didn't. And I regret that. But now...I'm excited. Up at Deer Valley, near Park City, beautiful venue. I've been checking his set list for this LONG tour and it is all I could ask for, yeeeeeeeee!!! *One Robert should think about.* wink, wink, ahhhhhh...........................
  2. Yeah, as I recall, they said they were already working on some things for round two. But, IMHO, I would imagine Union Station is gonna want their mama back. ANOTHER R&A tour??? I for one hope NOT. I feel bad for SS and Union Station. I heard they're "busy" but c'mon, I'm sure they don't want to be left behind forever.
  3. Hey, it's nice to hear you had a great time. Did you guys manage to meet Robert, or any of the band?? Others have said he was quite approachable, despite any security beefos. Hoping you did get to.
  4. Actually.....my friend and I got there JUST as the concert was ending. But I hooked up with my "buddies" and they took us up to LA and that riot house. I was pretty upset we didn't make it in time, but Kezar made up for it. We watched from adjacent buildings. By then, our "free passes" had worn out. But what a a week!
  5. Would you be just as outraged if it were Jimmy busy touring, say, with The Crowes?? You really should have tried harder and spent a ton of dough to go to The 02. So, you had your chance. Now shut the F&*% up!
  6. I concur! Why beat someone up who is simply following his own or her own interests.
  7. ^ I love that song! They were great. I did see them in the early, early 70's. thanks for posting the song, what a flashback.
  8. Personally, I'm waiting for Robert to hopefully get back with SS. I'd LOVE to see Justin and Clive again. And one thing some people fail to recall is, It WAS ROBERT who answered the request from Ahmet's wife....Remember folks?????? HE got that ball rollin' so to the Plant Bashers, stick that in your....whatever it is....mouth and chew it??
  9. It reminds me of when I was a kid fighting with my brother: "I know something you don't know, and I'm not gonna tellllllya." Useless. And.....DON'T ASK! His reply, with his hands over his ears: "Can't even hear ya, if you're saying something."
  10. Yes! I whole heartily agree. I was there, and despite a few glitches here and there, they were fantastic! Back then Salt Lake wasn't exactly a rock star town, and a lot bands playing there would often just fly back to LA. (Actually the ones who stayed over or for a few days all had a great time, from what I saw.) It was the first showing of the laser, that SLC saw, which of course, you can't hear in a bootleg. But that BLEW my mind! When Jimmy took out his bow...on went the laser, and he would point it and there would be the light, then a rainbow! OMFG, I was told by Showco's "Tiny" I would be in for a BIG surprise that night. He was so excited himself. I also remember the sound guys really being "nervous" to get everything perfect! (I was there at like..the crack of dawn...lol) THAT show is what LED..lol, me to head out to San Diego after feeling I could not live if I did not see that again, and right away. I LOVED it. Yet again, in Salt Lake in 69, they blew the minds of everyone, no boot of that exists that I know of.
  11. Yes, Alison can go on her merry way now too, we here at LZ.com don't excatly .......LOL
  12. I'm thinking you are pretty funny too, and I'm thinking you should stay put and ask for a refill! But, now I'm thinkin' I better get my ass off the PC and go do laundry. And, how I can't wait to see what happens in the newbie forum while I'm gone. Oh, one more...I'm "anon" because I want to look at peoples profiles that looked at mine without them knowing I was looking at theirs.
  13. Well, I'm little...5'2, and a Plant lover, but I don't apologize for anyone. I feel blessed to have seen Led Zeppelin, and Robert, and Jimmy & Robert. So I don't know what that "makes me." A fan I suppose.
  14. Umm, I did not know they had something planned.
  15. I was just agreeing with Rorers feelings when Bonzo died, and all three agreed there would never be another Led Zeppelin without him. I dug the 02, but it was a "one-off" and like Rorer, I can accept that perhaps we will not see them again, as Zep. Edited for a missing letter. Wheww, glad I saw THAT type-o!
  16. Rob ( the psychic) had a thread like this but a search gave no results. I liked that thread, so here is a new one. I'll start: I'm thinking........how interesting the Newbie forum has become. Whoda thunk..
  17. Right on Rorer!!!! I have thought the same way. No Bonzo= No Zeppelin. Period. How could the magic be there without Bonzo? And, yes, I know Jason is swell, but still.
  18. Excatly. Until the R&A touring is done, we really can't gripe about a damn thing.
  19. ^ Wow, good for you! Good luck too. Air conditioning made me happy today. It has been in the upper 90's all week, and no relief in sight. (that is also a pet peeve ) Heh, two birds with one stone.
  20. Way...way back, he played in the Mormon Tabernacle. I couldn't believe it, but I know he had a swell time playing the monster organ. Wow, I'd love to hear Jonsey play there...
  21. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    When all else fails, Roberts jeans ALWAYS makes me smile.
  22. Yeah guys, I'm sure you're in no hurry. To the over a million who WANTED to be there................Tough Shit! Perhaps the delay would be deciding WHO will get the profits that could be astronomical. The "Fund" or the boys.......
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