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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Actually my partners DID do things like I mentioned, brpsled. If I ever left in a huff and didn't return soon, they would try to make it up, very romantic like. I did the same, only for no reason at all but to keep a spark going. I think JT's wife deserves a "at home vacation" teachers are allowed to relax. Hell, that's why some people I've known go into teaching, for the benefit of a long break. She worked her butt off. Give her a sweetened break!
  2. That was yesterday! But, I'm fairly happy today too. I'm happy for air conditioning.
  3. Sounds great. I can invision Alison doing some amazing raunchy blues too.
  4. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I saw that last night but was too tired to log in, but it cracked me up. Thanks SunChild!!
  5. Not knowing the particulars, if I was in your shoes I would shut down the pc, go down and tidy up the house, do some of the things she has been asking you to do, decorate the house and more importantly the bedroom, with flowers, candles, even change the sheets and make the bed with rose petals on the top. A bottle of the best champange....chilled bedside. A big knarly dog bone from the butcher to keep fido out of the bedroom. Set a fancy table with candles and have ready strawberries ready to dip in choclate, and a handwritten note of what she means to you. To start.
  6. My lovely Daughter made me happy today, by her being happy!
  7. Hotplant

    Photos !

    I had a dream last night that we were in Stonehedge, and as we were taking pictures, Alwizard was in Every one!!! Serious though Alwizard, you have one of the most amazing world travel pics I have ever seen. You are so lucky to have seen so much!
  8. My neighbors cousins uncle said he has new secret info they'll be here, in a brand new stadium. OMFG...: The REAL Salt Lake soccer stadium.
  9. YEAH!!!! Thanks for sharing! Such a cool town.....to visit anyway.
  10. Thanks for posting that MSG. The song is permanently etched in my mind. Many artists are sometimes overwhelmed by the "greatness" of some of their songs. I'm just thankful it was created. Timeless.
  11. So happy for you two! don't you love it when you are close enough to make eye contact?? Robert always toys with people. Love it! Somebody there said they would buy me a teeshirt, I wonder if they were available?
  12. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    ....< Although I've used it maybe once or twice, I hate that smilie. What does it convey?? "I'm so cute?" Arrggghhhh!!!! *barf*
  13. Aw, That is so cool for you. You look so happy in that pic.
  14. Well, at least Fricke puts his commas and periods INSIDE the quote. Like it should! Sorry, it is a pet peeve of mine. People who leave those periods out all alone looking lost.
  15. Wow how cool, so T-Bone must have known the local spots to fill Robert in on. I figured Robert would dig Asheville. It IS beautiful! Remember when Dylan used to hang out at Vincents Ear?
  16. Cool. I set my alarm ....then ignored it. I was up reading until 4 AM, so I'm glad they weren't on yet.
  17. Hey Ocean! I knew I could count on you to say something here! Oh yes, pics please! Did Robert say anything about being in Ashe??? Glad you enjoyed!
  18. Hotplant

    Photos !

    Cool Red. Hey....I noticed if you look real close you can see a face next to the bottom left of the nests shadow!! Might be Jesus... Cool camera!
  19. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Ok, so you can't be too peeved! Congrats!
  20. All I'll say is: One night's better than three minutes.
  21. I was shocked when I heard the news. Meet The Press is Americana. I will watch Sunday Morning (one of my faves) tommorrow and Meet The Press after. So sad, he was only 58. Scary too.
  22. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    In case you don't already know...I'm peeved I'm not in Asheville tonight Damn and I know who'll be rubbing it in soon too!!!! !!!!!!! My only solace is knowing Robert will be treated with the kindest of southern hospitality today, well now tonight. Have fun you fuckers in Asheville!
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