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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I saw that too, shame really. But then there's always Youtube!!!! There were some good camera angles they had too. I'm super pissed/bummed/so alone, so alone....That he is in the town I wanted him to come to for ten years. Then I leave, he hooks up with Alison, and there he is. Right Now! In Asheville! F%^$#!!!!
  2. Yeah, man. You all need "coolin'" Lively conversation is good.
  3. Wow, that blew me away when a clicked the link and it's a Utah paper. Funny. Great! Except I have an issue with the grants only going to Turkish students. I thought every skin color should be eligible for scholarships. This is only MHO..
  4. I wouldn't want to be 20 then, the guys wouldn't have taken a second look! J/K!!!!! I was 17, almost 18 on the 73 tour. Almost legal
  5. We have a new race course here, that just held the World Motorcyle....or some such stuff, races. The guy who built it was the one who put up the cash for a new arena for the Jazz to play in. He's Larry Miller. I'm hoping someday it will be big enough for Nascar. Racing is big here too. Just different kinds. Like the Bonneville Salt Flats where jet like cars go faster than a jet. Heh... ZZTop guy likes to race there. His name just flew out of my brain, but you know who I mean. Yeah, I'm a race fan.
  6. YEAH!!!! My cable Does have the fuse channel, and will show performances from Bonnaroo.
  7. That's so true, many of those people are perfectly happy being isolated. 'course they DO have that shine cookin'...makes the mountain life a wee better. And....as a lil trivia...that IS where Nascar actually started. From liqour runs in the hills. Fascinating history actually.
  8. He should. It's not like he has pressing engagements or anything.
  9. I'd like to know more about his "Appalachian travels" So far all I've heard is him hanging in Nashville, and flying over Kentucky. Oh, and stopping by a lake. To really feel the flavor of these rootsy grass stuff, you need to spend some time there, among the people that are truly up in those hills and crawl out occasionally to jam with neighbors. One holler to another. I think Jonsey has one up on him in this arena.
  10. Jeez how much re re do we need?? I'm perfectly happy with my LP's.
  11. Great pics everyone. Noora and Miss HD always look like professional models.
  12. I noticed they've moved the mic stands closer together. Good move, now they don't look so lost.
  13. Looks much better!!! He's lookin good. I see absolutely no belly!! 'Course they were in New York. Mabe he'll have shorts on at Bonarrooheat.
  14. New technology: Feet. Bicycles. Yesterday, which was an absolutely heavenly day, I went out, took a bus to a store I like, walked part way because it was just so beautiful. And I noticed a huge increase in bike riders. Every single bike rack I saw were filled. I SHOULD get a bike for my lousy knees exersize. I want an old fashioned one though, with the chrome wheel covers like I had and polished faithfully as a kid. And peddle brakes. I don't like hand brakes, they wear out to fast and can fail easily. Today is JUST as gorgeous, and I do believe it's time I get my butt out there and enjoy it. Perfect high 70's with a breeze............heaven........
  15. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I can't stand the commercials where they have men loudly snarfing down some form of slaughtered animals while talking with a full mouth and making it seem "charming for a man" OMFG! It makes me wan to vomit! Or the ones telling of some health problem, they want to convince you you have, then saying, just ask yer doc for this...or that...even though the side effects may kill you. Aren't we drugged to death as it is?! Speaking of which, don't you love it when you are at a doctor appointment and YOU are kept waiting while these little bimbos waltz in with a suitcase full of drugs and a huge catered lunch to boot. Drug Reps! Then you have to sit and wait while they get the royal brown nose and you sit there waiting forever to see the doc! I once waited almost two hours. Jerks.
  16. What was that? It's hard to say, since so many were ear bursting. But I do believe Pink Floyd may have forever changed my hearing. The first time I saw them, my ears were ringing for days. The second time I dropped a hit of LSD25 and was stoned for two days, and actually my hearing was like amplified the next day, I could hear crumbs dropping on the floor from my gf's kitchen, we were in the basement. Whoa, what a night!
  17. YEAH!!! He's my number two driver! I think he too is a Leo. When I lived in redneckville my then boyfriend made me watch Nascar. We both picked two drivers. He always liked the older farts like that little prick Rusty. I knowing nothing picked Gordon, then Tony, and for one last driver I picked Harvick. I've stuck with them. For loyalty purposes. I might trade in Harvick. Go Tony...grrrrr..... I even had to order the Speed channel, due to my addiction. I can just picture Tony blasting Zep getting ready to roll. "Trampled" maybe?
  18. Oh hells yeah! Put on some little red horns Ali.!!! I don't think it will last either. Alison could lose her main audience and band, she isn't going to do that. Plus, she's a Leo too, they have a hard time sharing spotlights.
  19. Sheeeet...why go when you can avoid the heat and gastly humidity, sit back and watch the tube!! Right On! But I don't have "direct" Maybe I can get it and don't even know. Have to call my cable company..........before I send this check in front of me.
  20. Hotplant

    Foo Zeppelin

    Fantastic!!!! Thank Jimmy for granting Grohls fantasy "gig" they were all soo happy! That was just too cool. They were movin' like they meant it. Like they used to. WOW. It's been a long time, no shit. Long time since I've seen Jimmy look really into it and happy. What an ending for an encore. Whewwwww.......
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