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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Ahem....well...we all were around 13............... J/K, it would all be very "generic."
  2. "they" No need to highlight, the public does a fine job of that itself. We are multi racial, all of us. It may not show in our skin tones but we are all mixed one way or the other. To me, it's just evolution of our country. We are supposed to be UNITED. Cultures pass their beliefs down to their children. I guess I'm saying what needs to be addressed is tolerance and acceptance of humans as humans.
  3. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Oh yeah, she will learn from this. And she is 19, so it WAS her responsibility. I even offered to go in half on a membership to the venue, but she shined it on, so ...her loss.
  4. Perhaps, however, racial issues DO need to be addressed. The more tolerant we become of each other, we unite, not divide. It's been an "us and them" thing for far too long.
  5. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    When kids listen, disregard your clearly knowledgeable advise, then whine and moan and bitch about their "bad luck" when, if they had taken said sage advice, they would already have their Wilco tickets in their hot little wise hands. PFFT!
  6. Well, it's not about HER. MR. OBAMA will be the prez, she will be off redecorating and being the good wife. And of course whatever causes she is passionate about. I don't immediately think of Bill getting blow jobs in the oval office when I think of Hillary. I can overlook things when it comes to the bigger picture.
  7. As Eric said, "You've got to be kidding." She's passé. And trying desperately to put on a "sexy" image. Give it up toots. Even the sculpted arms aren't attractive anymore.
  8. ................................. Nevermind........ I'm still working on the 69 memories, if I can come up with something eloquent I will.
  9. My very first concert, I was front row center while the Who DID smash up everything! Amps, drums, I thought the drum set was going to land right on me. Moon just got up and lifted all the drums, and tossed them forward. Townsend was smashing his guitar into the floor and into the amps, then knocking them over and started to tear them apart. I was eyes wide open, never seeing anything like it. My first thought was, how often do they have to replace this stuff? Wound up with Moons drumstick though, my first piece of rock memoribilia. Then, Hermans Hermits took the stage.
  10. RIP, Bo Diddley. Last time I saw him, he cooked. Indeed, heaven is becoming a rich place full of greats. Rock-n-Blues on...from above.
  11. Well, I admit I cry at the drop of a hat, and reading all the posts gave me goosebumps. God Bless You Bonzo. We all love and miss you dearly. No one will ever take your place.
  12. I'm happy in my relationship, absolutely! I'm single! Once in a blue moon I may miss an ex, but reality sets in and I forget about it.
  13. LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!!! Bow down Hillary....
  14. Really. There would be NO Rolling Stone Mag if it wasn't for the "token" blues men! Stuff it rh!
  15. It's pretty funny any way you hear it. Guys!
  16. WOW!!! Where have YOU been?? Nice pics!!
  17. Nice work. My ex hubby and I made jewerly too, silver and semi precious stones mostly. It's a rewarding craft. And sometimes very hard to part with pieces you've made for other people.
  18. Wow, trampled and allbetsareoff, those are hair-raising tales. Cheers to you both!
  19. Photochopped???? Looks weird to me.
  20. Your collection is amazing Al, I wish I'd have saved all mine.
  21. That's bloody cool Hangman. Your fame and the tatt.
  22. He does mention liquor often. That cracked me up.
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