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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    When people don't return things they've borrowed. I lent two umbrellas, weeks ago, now it's raining a bunch and I'll have to go buy another I guess. Ticked me off because one of them had pretty angels on it.
  2. My Fathers tours: You have to click it to see the places clearly.
  3. Funny, one of the accountants on the 73 tour was named Crowley.
  4. ...............I feel your pain brp!! Like HOW long is this gonna take?? Robert: "I'm sure we'll be getting down in the back of the bus......" * sorry..I couldn't resist *
  5. Good, now can we lock this sucker????
  6. I just read in some gossip site that he checked into that Dr. Drew's "Celebrity Rehab." I've seen that show and it's kinda disgusting. I shudder to think who he will be among, and if he will be on any of the episodes.
  7. Hmmm, I heard Janis hangs at the hotel she died in too.
  8. Peter: was sitting on stage. Bad:
  9. That's funny, I have pics just like that of BC, in 77. And Frampton.
  10. :lol: well.....waddya expect in "Lovejoy?"
  11. Oh, well thank you MissHoneydripper! I thought I was really missing out. Someday I'll get a new computer with all the good stuff.
  12. Pie. gotta run, see ya's Have a great BBQ Americans.
  13. I can't WAIT for him to get back with the guys!!!!!
  14. Man, that's just TOO many things to think about , I slept in and still need more coffee .
  15. I think what he meant was if they were at your front door, in which case, you pretty much don't have a choice but to protect your family. War is worth absolutely nuthin'...but if people were invading, say my hood...I'd have no choice. I'd protect my kids first and foremost by any means possible.
  16. Absolutely! I told my son, that is the ONLY time I would want him to ...in essence...kill people. I'm against going into foreign countries. It's THEIR problem, and I know the argument thank-you. To protect our home land yes. I know my son would. I'm a wee old to be of too much help. But I would help in any way I could.
  17. Being a slight smartass here for a sec. *bump* But, yeah, now we are dealing with the Holiday prices, that surely won't go DOWN like they used to. It makes me wonder...what would we do with no oil. Grocery shopping yesterday, everything was higher by a huge amount. If this keeps up, I won't be able to afford to just fricken LIVE. Or, maybe move to Mexico, where all the jobs and farms are headed.
  18. Three Eyes, four eyes, aye, yi, yi! I have none of them!!! Don't have a dvd burner.
  19. McCain is just too damn old for the job. Sheesh!
  20. Aw, I wish the guy all the best too. As our American top-rockers, they have withstood so many hardships, yet always came back to each other for the music and playing. I've never seen a kinder rock star than Steven. He ALWAYS reaches out to his fans, and is NICE to them. He understands what being a fan is. They all had the courage and strength to perceiver when drugs were destroying the entire band. Hat's off to them for actually getting "GROUP" as in THE group counseling, when they were all fighting with each other and their wives. That takes some balls if you ask me. Good luck Steven!
  21. Nice! Now wear your hair up to show Robert's!
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