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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Still no posters on your walls, eh? Yeah, our Jazz rose and fell, yet again. Nice pic.
  2. Hope you had a great time, Carrots. Thanks for sharing! It looked like he was looking right at you!
  3. Thanks Katy. I'll try one of my Mom & Dad the day they were married.
  4. Thank YOU, MSG. Honestly if you can't say something nice about a dying man...Fuck off! Can't wait for some of the asswipes who said crappy things to get a fatal diagnosis. Jerks.
  5. Baby, here I am signed sealed delivered, I'm yours!!!!!
  6. I'm with Dzldoc, much easier to name who I haven't seen. Man, something is still freaky with this board..................
  7. Man, you guys are brutal! The man could be dying and you trash him. Not nice. MSG was nice. I was very sad to hear the news. I looked up the kind of tumor he has and it doesn't look good. Two years average survival rate, with treatment. At 76 years old that chemo could wipe him out. I have noooo clue what just happened on the board. It just kept going, going, going down, and down, flippin weirdest thing ever. Sorry, I tried to fix it.
  8. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    I LOVE that pic..... caption: "So, ya wanna wrestle or what?"
  9. Hotplant


    .............Bonnie....^........ . Just hang in there girl, you can do it!!!!!!!!!!
  10. ..................... ............... My son at 5 to 6 weeks old. He was/is a ham! Is over 25 vintage ?....
  11. Ohhhh Robert, we KNOW you've got the balls. And now we know why Alison sometimes looks so lost...she isn't holding her fiddle! It would feel strange, so I'll cut her the slack now. Robert will love the Carolinas.. ..wish I were there now.
  12. Please, you are not my leader.............
  13. I would so WELCOME a seated venue. For this show, it just seems appropriate.
  14. Well....somebody...wants the puter so I guess I'll go see whats on the movie channels. See ya!
  15. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Still pissed eh? Maybe you could just talk to them up front. Take them some arsenic brownies maybe?
  16. I'd call the best and have him come over with a stash of goodies of all sorts, call my family and say later, and do it till I die.
  17. Hotplant


    ................ .............. Weeeeeellllllllllll..........I suppose I could overlook that habit for himmmm.
  18. Good night Zeppy! 1:00 am here, so good morning too!


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