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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant

    Photos !

    I'm quoting this whether so and so likes it or not. Great shot!
  2. True! Things that happened then have had lasting results. What a great experience you must have had.
  3. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Speaking of jeans, he finally put a pair on for the Dusseldorf show. I mean, c'mon Robert, we know Alison likes to dress-up. But we like our Robert in bluejeans. *drool smiley insert* ... ...
  4. "So, I rang up Hotplant and....." Old joke here. ps: I'm lovin' a lot of these I've never seen. Love the black and white, chell, you have an amazing collection!
  5. That's great news Mandy! Can't wait to see you in cap and gown! My kitty woke me up attacking my toes agian, then proceeded to curl up and take his am nap after the coffee was made.
  6. I would be fine with her as VP, ( hahaha..) and I do think it would be a winning ticket. If they both get together and "pass a peace pipe" I believe they would be unbeatable.
  7. I lived in Campbell too. Seems like we are being hit with earthquakes all over. Scary, here is the Wasatch Fault, if it ever gets the big one, it could be devastating. Been in plenty of small ones, was only scared once, when we had a 6. something because it shook our beds all over, moving them around the room like a scary spirit. It is horrid to see the devastation in China, as well as Burma. God bless those poor people.
  8. Billary stating the past is...well...the PAST. Just because something has happened since 1916, doesn't mean it can't change. And it will. Obama will wrap it up with delagates because HE has the popular vote. Bow out gracefully Hill, and unite the party!
  9. Hotplant


    Gawd I hate it when I accidentally erase my post! Where was I? Ok... Our state just passed a law that it is now illegal to smoke in your car while children under five are with you. My mom was a heavy smoker and I hated it. Yet, I smoked in junior high thinking it made me look older and "cool." I quit when I became pregnant with my first child. Cold turkey. It makes me so sick to see a brand new baby with a mom smoking while holding the precious one, or while she's pregnant. :thumb down: The fifties TV and movies made it glamorous. But we aren't in the fifties, and now the only person who still looks cool (imho) is Keef! But, it's your life, lungs, and money so do whatever makes you happy. * cough cough*
  10. Halo to you too dodge! Hope you like it here!

  11. Neil is one of my all time heros! The spider thing is....strange, but cool.
  12. No...of course not. That was my babysitting money. Yeah, MSG, we were lucky. And I was still in 6th grade...my friends mom drove us and picked us up. I started rockin at a very early age. Sister was eight years older...she turned me on to folk...I only liked Dylan, and my bro..four years older turned me on to the Stones. We would both make fun of each others favorite bands that it sometimes almost came to blows and screaming ..on my part..right in his ears!
  13. Jeez...how time flies! He's a great guy. What a show he put on in the day.
  14. good ones! With sooo many abreviations in cyberspace it can get so confusing. Sometimes I just stare at the letters dumbfounded, thinking.....why don't I know this.
  15. Yep, I was there. A highly anticipated show. So good, for me at least, that my girlfriend and I left town the next morning headed to San Diego for the next show. I couldn't handle the thought of them leaving....so...we went where they were. And that...lead straight to the riot house! Five days of non stop partying. We went home during Kezar, with the sound of Zep blasting through the air. My friend was worn out and said "I'm leaving!" So...I sadly left with her. One of the most memorable weeks of my life.
  16. C'mon guys....we just can say we like it. Maybe it's me, but R&A just seem ...wierd...when they have nothing to do during the song..like wandering around wondering where or what to do............ And the "flirty" behaviour is Gone....REALLY gone!
  17. Your skin is beautiful Noora. Lil Miss, I barely recognized you at first. Nice pics all. edited to add: Matt, that little boy of yours is just too precious!
  18. Hey Lil Missy! Good to see you. You look all grown up! Like your hair-do, it suits your face nicely. Hotplant/cinnamongirl here.
  19. I saw Jim in 68, he was drunk as hell but eventually got it on. There's my 3 dollar ticket stub
  20. Man, that SUCKS about the beef headed security people. What the hell are they scared of? Everyone who hasn't been under a rock knows these shows, any show, winds up on utube. I say give it up! I suppose it could be annoying if everysinglebody had their phones up in the air, but most people don't do that. If they are so scared of "boots" and such, artists should start considering taping all their own shows and making them available.
  21. That was my thought too!! Excellent! Robert is so cute with his undone cuffs he always has.
  22. Up this: I have nada against nudity, mind you I love nudity.
  23. I was just reading a Jimi Hendrix bio, and in it they talked about the filming of the Monterey Pop Festival. They said something to the effect of: "We had to wait a WHOLE six months for the video to be released." So.....with all the fancy smancy equipment that was at the 02, why can't a DVD be put out sooner?????
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