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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant

    Photos !

    That's sweet. Cheers to him from another old hippie!
  2. Ewww Yeah!!!!! SHAKE IT BABY, SHAKE IT ! ! !
  3. Cute ZosoD. Rorer looks great too!
  4. Hotplant

    Photos !

    Beautiful MSG!!!
  5. Yeah, mine IS classy. ART. NO genitalia, dear. No nipples (hidden) or cocks in my av's and sigs or pics I post. To post any cock that's not Roberts is........well, disgusting! Caca.
  6. I wondered, but really doesn't matter to me.
  7. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    People driving who think they have the right of way over pedestrians. All the commercials on Primary Election days. People who can NEVER, ever just let things go. Like, GET OVER IT already. Insects that eat any outdoor plants I've planted. Jerks.
  8. Uh....so it's OK to post genitalia now????? Real classy.
  9. Cool, she looks like she is getting very used to Robert speaking. And Robert: you're right about them thar hills. Loads of great music there in Appalachia. ( my Fathers roots... )
  10. She does have gorgeous clothes, all soft, flowy type things. Very pretty.
  11. Grrroovy! HA! I remember being slammed for even mentioning Alison would be great on Evermore. She is.
  12. I think they are playing in Grand Junction Colorado. My kid was going to bus it down there, but when they were added to a local venue here, we are going to that.
  13. Hotplant

    The pub

    Sorry, no one came through, so I bought a new heating pad instead.
  14. What does his sex have to do with anything? You can speak your mind without that!
  15. Wow, what a fab idea. Screw horse racing! Lets line up with our fancy hats and bet on the great Rat race! Really though, I used to love watching the races, but lately I've become pissed off the way humans treat some animals. IMHO those greyhound races should be banned. The poor guys have to be adopted out or killed after they lose their $$ value. I'm getting incredibly "soft" in my old age.
  16. Have a good nap, Hermit. Looking forward to tonight!
  17. NORTH CAROLINA and INDIANA..ers Please get out and vote!!!! Obama
  18. 8PlantLady, Reading that nearly brought me to tears. I'm so sorry you feel so alone like that. I would try to find another place to live while you finish school. "Toxic" parents have little to offer you while in the midst of their addiction. You need a stable adult you can go to, talk to. The counselors are familiar with these things, don't worry, they have access to programs that can help you. And you are NOT alone, many kids suffer in silence. Never feel ashamed, because it is not your fault. THEY are choosing their lifestyle over you. And I'm sure they love you deeply, but they can't control the addiction. So IMHO you should seek help. That's an awful way to spend your school years.
  19. WOW!! Those are EXcellent shots Paul, really clear and great lighting. Best you've done yet. Thanks for sharing! Don't mind if I right click-it, I hope.
  20. Talking to my bro-in-law. He's doing ok after a very scary intensive care week in the hospital. The reason it made me REALLY happy was that a couple of days ago my daughter told my Son and I that he died. We spent the entire night grieving and in such shock. Then darling Daughter calls first thing in the morning...."Mom, Uncle_ _ isn't dead, I heard my message machine wrong." So, although I did not tell him we thought he was dead, it sure was nice to hear his voice. Whewwww.
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