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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hitchike cross country. Always an adventure. Just take your pepper spray.
  2. As usual a horse had to be put down again. Makes me sick! They should drug test them, due to so much corruption in horse racing. Scary.
  3. Nah, intelligent people aren't buying what the Rev. tried to do. He already is doing fine in Indiana. * The Power Of Positive-no negative Thinking *
  4. I know, yet it saddens me that they don't have the same passion we had, we truly believed we could make a difference. A draft might not even do it. The thing is, we are using too many National Guard that should be HERE for disasters that are going to happen.
  5. Lock up your kids and hide your daughters! Zep have arrived.
  6. I am very much my Leo sign. Five planets in Leo in my Natal chart. So, yes, I'm a Loyal Leo all the way. Meoowwww
  7. Peace man. Hug whoever is near you. OBAMA Will be the next POTU. .
  8. Flowers..remember? It is a good reminder that the youth of our country HAVE POWER. And if only more would get involved in the same masses that the Latinos do, maybe we could put an end to yet another no sense war. Kids...come on!
  9. Hotplant

    The pub

    Anybody have some good pain pills in here? My back is ........Bad.
  10. Well, it's interesting anyway. Jimmy has liked Jack White since their beginings hasn't he?
  11. I'll take 'em either way, thanks.
  12. I have no set plans. I tend to have the most fun with spontaneity. Definitely some canyon runs, some outdoor concerts...HERE in my own d&*^ city. ( like Wilco at The Red Butte Gardens ) MAYBE go see my bro-in-law up in Oregon, haven't been there for ages. Collect stories about our early concerts here. I'd like to put them together in some readable form. Somebody has to do it.
  13. Happy Anniversary to our Zeppelin hookup couple. Here's to many many more.
  14. Those are fabulous. I see Robert is enjoying a little nip of somesuch corked beverage.............. And as far as the nips go, I like him better with every little line he has. It's just him.
  15. Great, I was just thinking...where can I post this. I just ran across it yesterday. It is a band i used to go see all the time, now it looks as though they've changed two members. Anyway, it's not funny or cute just kickass guitar playing. The lead has been playing in our area jeez...27 years or so. Their name is The Pagan Love Gods.
  16. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    We have a lot of that here. There are now a group of kids/guys who "out-tag" each other, they've been in our neighborhood. One goes by "Cash" and he's been arrested a few times at least. Businesses bear the brunt of having to cover it within 24 hours or face a fine. They give you the neutral colored paint. Now they try to tag places totally out of reach, making it hard to paint over.
  17. My hunk-a-burnin' love of a cat made me happy today. And I bought meself a toy aquarium today. The fake fish swim around and it lights up..... I thought my cat would like it, but he just looked at it and went back to his nap. I have zero luck with live fish. They always get "ich" when I get new ones, and all die. It's the bubbly water and lights I dig, so this fake stuff is just right!
  18. Bless him, he's now in our cosmos.
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