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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I wish he'd do Big Log. And he and Willie should do " To All The Girls I've Loved Before."
  2. Me too, in snow two feet deep. I'd walk a mile to anything I need in my hood.
  3. Whats your name...who's your daddy?? Couldn't resist.
  4. Neil Young (early, and Buffalo Springfield) and Pink Floyd.
  5. It's all related to our oil nightmare, yes, including corn used for ethanol. The Fate Of Nations Cd cover comes to mind, the earth melting................ Everything I buy has gone way up. In fact that's one of my pet peeves. Coffee creamer! Coffeemate was only 2.50 last year and now it is 4.00 and up. Coffee is my savior in the morning. If I have to give up other things I will, but I'll buy my creamer, damn it. Even though it pisses me off! Orange juice....never went down after the freeze last year. And eggs...I'm trying to bypass those things I think are well overpriced. Rice, I only eat brown rice. Still a good deal. IF I had a yard I would most definitely grow my own.
  6. I'm thinkin'.....Robert sure hangs on to shirts for a looong time. I'm also thinkin'...Robert: just get some tight levis and a cool tee shirt, like the nurses do it better one you picked up in Knoxville, and just strut your stuff.
  7. Thanks! I notice Robert & Alison switched places from the other performances. That's a good sit down song though, can't see swinging to that. Kind of awkward to me, but nevertheless enjoyable.
  8. Cool Aqua, looks like a nice crowd too. Glad you made it and posted the pics! I can relax now, knowing there is no way possible I will see him now for another month or so.
  9. This is really getting rediculous. Every single day now it's going up and up and up. I saw that in the UK some have been paying 11 bucks a gallon. How much will you spend before you say that's it? How much are you paying? Soon, people earning minimum wage will have to work an hour for a gallon of gas. Some may not even be able to GET to work if this keeps up. It is causing everything to skyrocket. It is a mess. I do not currently own a car and I love it. I can get anywhere faster by light-rail and bus. Or just walking. When I absolutely need one I rent one, a fuel economy car. If I had little kids I couldn't do it. But now...I don't need or want the hassle. Has anyone thought of trading down their gas guzzlers? Or just saying....park it. Till gas is less?
  10. Wonder why all the pissy fuss over cameras all of a sudden. Wasn't a problem last tour. hmmmmmmm
  11. Oh GAWD Yes! For NIN....that song is sooo luscious!!!!! Of course TRAMPLED UNDER FOOT always makes me crazy! .................. ... .................
  12. Hi MSG! Yes, the memory stays the same for those particular days.
  13. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Yesterday I happened upon one of my most irritating pet peeve. Guys who cough up shit and garbage logies and spit right next to a bench to sit on!!!!!! OMFG!! That is so fricken gross and disrepectful. SICK!!!!!!!
  14. They are rebublican nazis. Determined to screw up EVERY election. It's their traditioin they hold very dear in their hearts.
  15. " I now pronounce you......'respected duo' You may.........each other."
  16. I know who Robert was smiling at so much in Knoxville! Knockout look Lady H !!!!!
  17. Well I have it again, can't sleep tonight. Worried about my kid. Worried about my (ex) brother-in-law, he is in the hospital. We still don't know what for, just "a blood clot" somewhere. Hoping it's not a stroke. No good books to read either.
  18. Hotplant

    Photos !

    Was looking through my photobucket album and found some trivia tonight. Didn't know where else to put this gumbo. The Dead pass and the Wolfman Jack autograph are the memorable ones. The one barely visable was some band named Natural Gas, I don't even remember it.
  19. Plant pass...aftershow only. 1990 Plant unused ticket....cause I got a better one. Zeppelin belt buckle. There, some of my little brag book. I have some more, but have to look forever.
  20. ... One of the few pages I saved out of lots of paper memorabilia tossed by dear ol' Mom. Magnetic picture books will rot. Didn't know back then, I was just lucky Mom didn't get everything. The pink ticket was from the 73 show here in SLC. The bottom ticket, though not visable was from the 77 Forum. The passes are, passes. These were some "trivia" from the Riot House, and some silly stuff from a scrapbook.
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