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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant

    Found Money

    That just plain sucks. Not ALL of it had residue, obviously. And even if it did...so what?! Like you said a lot of bills did/still do contain traces....poor kid! I bet that changed his attitude.
  2. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Sweet. I about had a heart attack the other day as I was fixing my computer. I thought all my pics had been erased. The files under "my pics" were GONE! I then realized no problem, I had saved them to disk, but I knew too that I had some newer ones that were not on the disk. Thankfully, they reappeared today. I have no idea how...I don't even care, just that they are still there.
  3. Yeah, I've seen Robert forget words several times. The only reason I know, is that I would be singing along in my mind, then he'd miss a word. Once, I was in the front and he saw me notice his flub, he just grinned. The last tour he had the words to one song written down by the set list....can't recall the song. But it was one on the new CD. Mighty Rearranger. I was in front again, hey I'm short!, and I did manage to get the set list from the 'Soundtrack Of Our Lives', but the roadie quickly scooped up the set list for Robert when he saw a girl and I eye-balling it.
  4. Lovely. Who'd of thunk Robert would go to a Country Music Awards and WIN for the video! What were they joking about....."wide open" something, referring to the category? Robert is getting his Americana groove on quite nicely.
  5. Hotplant

    Found Money

    WOO HOO!!! Cool. We once found about a quarter pound stashed in a little side compartment of the bus my ex and I were converting into a "house." It too was obviously stashed by someone running from the law. I find money now and then, never too much. A dear friend from Asheville once found 3000 bucks in a brown bag outside a coffee shop. He could've taken it, but he heard a lady had lost it and he returned it. She was so happy she offered him a reward and he said, "How about a cup of coffee instead?" People like him are far and few between. On the other side, I've twice lost over a thousand, one time I knew who took it but I couldn't prove it, she took it out of my wallet while I was elsewhere. *BITCH!*
  6. "Deliberate" ?? My mistake....I haven't actually seen Jonsey on the road. It just seems he likes to play more of his own stuff, and is so into bluegrass now, he doesn't really Have to dig into the Zep bag...so much.
  7. I wish I could be at the Asheville NC gig. * because I know many of the local crew there.................... * And an old friend lives in the apartments RIGHT next to the Civic Center, you can literally watch the backstage action from his window, and hear the music just fine. I'm sad they have totally dismissed my current neck of the woods. The cost of traveling just isn't in my budget anymore. I imagine filling up the tour buses will cost a fortune. But if they did add us to the tour then I would gladly shell out the dough for expensive tickets.
  8. Those blasted trousers again..... I just happened to turn on the CM awards just as brad paisley was performing, I had forgotten all about this. Then they showed Robert and Alison sitting together so I stuck it out (country ain't my bag), and as I was watching I was wondering what was going through Robert's mind with all the country folk doing their thing. I thought...this must be so weird for him . The picture just didn't quite fit. When they put on the clips for the videos I was worried Willie might take it...his was pretty darn cool I thought. Then when R&A won, Yeah! As Robert said "I must say being here is a bit peculiar" or something to that effect I was laughing because he was leaning way down to the mike, even though it wasn't necessary, and Alison was kind of looking around and up at him like "Robert! you don't have to lean down, and I can't see you through your hair" then she didn't get to say a word, just a passing wave and a thanks to someone. I'm happy for them. Great way to kick off the tour. But three dates in Tennesee.....................
  9. I can relate to what SunChild is saying, Robert has continued to perform LZ songs. IMHO only he has performed Whole Lotta Love to death. I don't even want to hear him ever sing it again. THAT is the same old shit, or "stuff" however you want to "say" it. Having Alison sing When The Levee Breaks is again...the same old shit. (stuff). He can say ..well it's an OLD blues song...but really it is the same ol stuff...from Zep. He has ridden on the Zep wagon for some time now. I don't see Jonsey "reworking" Zep songs to play. I actually want to hear the same old shit from his solo years, more than the Zep years.
  10. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I'm NOT lazy. (Most of the time) Like we said....we LOVE to please men who are respectful. The more they are, the more we love...in so many luscious ways.........
  11. They always come back.....trust me. But have a swell time wherever you may roam!
  12. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    AMEN!!!!! Drunk & spats should live together. My men had the decency to put the seat down, and I love them for it. Little things like that can lead to happy women who want to please their men .....more....
  13. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Man, toilet peeves are really rampant. Mandy is right. And spats, well, that just makes you lazy if you can't be a gentleman and put it down. If guys absolutely hate to put it back down, SIT then. We don't want to sit on your aim-less squirts! When you buy a toilet, the lid is DOWN...No? It is just a common courtesy. If you want to make it a big deal...like you just Will Not put it down ever...live with only other guys the rest of your life and you'll be fine. And I can hardly call women lazy, when 90% of the time we are the ones cleaning the entire bathroom. If I ever have to live with a guy again, I hope we will have seperate bathrooms. And he can clean his own.
  14. if only they knew.. They are taught they will burn in hell if they aren't "being sweet" they call it, in other words submissive and obedient. The Warren Jeffs bust was just the begining. And thank Gawd, Utah did get him.
  15. Oh my, my, my...where is the drool smiley Looks like he borrowed one of Dad's coats!! I'd love to see them!
  16. Bass players are often overlooked...................
  17. TRUE!! If I could send anyone to a freakfarm boot camp, it would be that skanky poor excuse for a human being. UGHHHHH
  18. I'm reading The Sea Will Tell by Vincent Bugliosi. Scary, true story, I've read before but still a good read.
  19. What's to say is, these polygamy ( sorry misspelled in the thread) groups need to be put down for good. Women have no rights whatsoever, except to reproduce, and be available for sex for these aging creeps! Kudos to TEXAS. So far in Utah and Arizona, no such luck. The towns are set up so the cops and all are involved. Maybe the kids can be reprogrammed to actually get to play with crayons, like they should. And get the f out of those Little House On The Praire dresses.
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