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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. ..What are your thoughts on this developing story? I am quite frankly happy it has been done and will hopefully put these wackos to rest. News conference on now as I type. Disgusting!! 14 year olds forced to "consumate" in the Temple!!
  2. YEAH!!!!! Thank you Sam!!! I've been looking daily. I think it is very pretty, despite what that person said! True the times aren't on it, but I can say there were definitely two shows. Yeah!!
  3. money g'nightzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  4. Don't say that! You are NOT ugly. And don't take down any pics. We luv you.
  5. I miss Hermit. How long is he going to be gone...anyone know? Shoot, my youngest Daughter will be gone during the Penn. primary too...I'll have no one to cheer/bitch with.
  6. Bonham, please don't stop posting pics. Some of us middle age wimmen like to think back, when we were 19, and...Oh My!
  7. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    That's funny. I saw a commercial for Charmin, it had their little bear showing "leftover" bits of paper, and saying something like....does yours leave tracks behind? Try the new and improved....whatever. Double roll Angel Soft here. No tracks, no lint...
  8. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I guess you're right. And then, we'd probably fight over who GETS to change the roll. A woman that is.^ It IS a man thing. After all, they just "shake it" half the time, and don't need TP!
  9. Well, cooleo! ROBERT IS SINGLE!! "one way or another....I'm gonna getcha, I'm gonna getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha, one way, maybe next week...I'll getcha, I'll getcha!!"
  10. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Good one!!!^ Yeah Drunk, you're right, I may try a woman next time....
  11. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    . It is over...was a long time ago. Thank Gawd. He was a pet peeve...period. Oh, we had some good times though...in the first year.
  12. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Aren't we in a great mood tonight. Topics at the top...pet peeves and blood boiling... Actually I'm with everyone about the TP! Drives me insane! Mine is kept UNDER the friggen bathroom sink. A whole.....arms reach away. And men are the worst, my old bf.......if he ever absolutely HAD to put a new roll on would put it on backwards and we'd fight about the "proper way" to place it on the roll. I think he did it on purpose to piss me off, because he knew it drove me nuts. They always say"that's the way my mother did it." Yeah well, your mother was wrong then!
  13. Funny! I had never heard such weird sayings as when I lived in NC. Things about crows and pigs and snuff...
  14. I agree. But then again, since they say they "don't remember" we may question even them!
  15. When I lived in the south, many things said made my blood....boil. The one that really got to me was: DO WHAT? instead of, "excuse me?" I told my girlfriend if she said it one more time..... , because she was a New Yorker.....fer f's sake!
  16. That's just wonderful to get the responses from people there. Just when ya think you know everything there is to know, new things come along. Awesome!!! I WISH I could get my friends to post on the concerts we had here. No one believes me.............. Kudos to all!
  17. That really sucks guys, I hope you get it soon. I would be pissed off too. Can you contact someone at TM? I'm getting less excited as the days go by. Good Luck!
  18. ^ That sounds like fun. I love postcards. Today, my cat made me soo happy. He was trying to wake me up by "catching" my toes under the covers. It's nearly the last thing he still does like he did as a young (hunk) kitty. His favorite game the last few days is taking a Running JUMP to our laps when we are "wasting HIS time" on the puter. I LOVE cats! Like Robert..............
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