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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Damn, in third grade we just SANG songs about killing the principal. They had a wooden paddle in the office there too. I was teachers pet in third grade, so I was a happy kid. Schools are dangerous these days.
  2. Moonlight Mile~ The Stones. If I'm on a road trip, I actually sometimes prefer the peace of no music, and the silent thoughts that come along. As well as songs that pop in your head that you can sing, without a care in the world. Just like 'Moonlight Mile' says...." I've got silence, on the radio. Let the airwaves flow, let the airwaves flow...." Tom Petty IS great road music too.
  3. Keith Richards can say what he pleases. Memory loss in common in his age group. He damn near died after his fall, give the rocker a break.
  4. That's what I thought. I guess it's great if you're so inclined.
  5. Today on Oprah, there is going to be the "first pregnant man." I'm thinkin'....transexual maybe?? But I have also heard that sometimes, though quite rare an egg is fertilized IN the abdomen. Weird!
  6. The answers already given would be the same for me. Ready for the next assignment Mandy!
  7. I'm just thankful my kids weren't/aren't stupid. And I still hold the parents responsible if they don't know what their kid is up to, perhaps they aren't as involved in their lives as they should be, and kids look elswhere for love and attention. As I've said before, you are the king/queen of your castle. Watch where your kids go. Another point I'd like to make is...it can also be dangerous for a kid to talk to the "concerned Uncle"..guys posing as Father figures to "protect"...some of these guys are actually sicko themselves. If you can't for some ugly reason, talk to your parents, seek out a counselor from School, or if you go, your church. NOT a so-called "daddy" on the internet.
  8. Besides Zeppelin, the one band that blew me most away was Pink Floyd, hands down.
  9. If someone doesn't like you because of the music you like, you are better off without them. It's a matter of give and take. Earplugs can also come in handy.
  10. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    Construction nightmares on major freeway routes. AGGHHHHH!
  11. The only meat I crave is found in the photo thread. Once in a blue moon I'll want a Crown Burger Pastrami Burger. They make the best. I'm not a total vegetarian, and would never be a vegan snob. I just think meat can be so gross. Especially hormone and antibiotic filled animals stuck in horrid living conditions. There is some truth to "you are what you eat."
  12. Nothing really "drives me crazy" if there are so many mistakes that make it unreadable, I just skip it. There are too many things in life that could drive you crazy, grammer mistakes are not one of mine. I do however sometimes delight in finding mistakes in published books.
  13. I agree, how massive could it be? That's cool what The Who do. Nice example for other bands.... we would hope. We don't want perfection, at least I don't.
  14. That is so funny! Ouch! Jeezus, they really are going to look at genitals?? I just took two teens..legal...to get a septum, and the other chick got her lip..a ring. The place was PACKED! I asked if it was always this busy, and she said in waves. When there's nothing to do. End of spring break for them.
  15. Nice to hear from them, even if the interviewer was kinda dorky....inturrupting Jimmy mid sentence..
  16. They did. I've talked to several old friends who remember it too. They aren't into message boards or I'd ask them to post. I don't have my stub. Mom chucked most of my concert stuff once when I had split for a while.
  17. It is a gem for me because of the historical concert standpoint. And because I'm interested in collecting stories and pics of the concerts we had here in SLC. Particularly The Terrace Ballroom. If you have pics, could you post them please? Curious you offered to buy it, then say it's an ugly crap. This was the first time I saw Zeppelin. And to me, that makes it cool. Lot's of posters are "ugly." I guess the beauty is in the eye of the Owner. And to Mikezep...The shows were suppose to be 7:30 & 9:30. (something I thought was on the poster). When Fudge came on the second time, they were practically booed off the stage by "Zeppelin! Zeppelin!" They gave up the stage because no one wanted to hear them.
  18. . YES!!!!! Ok, so I finally got around to it and went to see the guy I know who has tons of 60's 70's posters. Well...!!! It took a bit of time searching for the gal who helped us. Then the owner came in and confirmed it. He has the ONLY Known copy of their gig in Salt Lake City. July 30, 1969! Terrace Ballroom. There WERE two shows, just like I thought. Vanilla Fudge was the "main act" *cough cough* Lights by Frank & Stein. Art by Mikey Covey & Toni Covey. 17"x 25. Framed poster. Creased, light surface wear. Ok so I was SO excited, but he quickly said NOT FOR Sale! So, I asked him if he had a pic of it ( it was in a art exibit he put on here a couple of years ago), I wanted it mostly for Sam to put up in the memorabilia section. He said he doesn't have a pic, but he will be putting ALL his posters of the days on his website some time spring or "however long it takes to do it"..........hmmmm...maybe I could volunteer some. At any rate it will be a very cool gem, since he has the only known copy, he said someone at the exibit said he had one too, but couldn't verify it. I've been wanting to find this baby for YEARS! So as soon as he has the webpage up, I'll surely Share!
  19. Be careful....we have youngin's on the board.......
  20. The sun is SHINING!!! all week, and in the 70's in southern Utah. We may do a road trip down there to show my kids friends our extraordinary land! And of course, as i've been ranting about all week....my cat! get to see him TODAY!!!
  21. AWESOME news. They cook. It's so great when all American bands that are so great KEEP working! And new stuff!! Oh boy!
  22. I'm so offended by this thread, I just don't think it should be allowed on this forum! I think I'll complain about it.............. J/K
  23. Wow, that makes me think poorly of the government. Disgusting!!!! On a happier note, Jimena looks so much like songbird.
  24. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    My pet peeve today is people COMPLAINING about topics. Do you just come in here to look and bitch?!? LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT !
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