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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. tired that's all folks...........................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz G'night and sweet dreamszzzzzzzzzz
  2. Robert: If you come here...SLC....I'll make SURE you have a ice cold case of eight percent beer brewed here locally! Jimmy: Thank You
  3. Good detective work there Steve. My first "rock crush" was Herman. That blue eye thing. They were the first pro band I saw, straight out of 6th grade, The Who opened for them. I was in the front row center. Got Moons drumstick! After I saw Daltrey... I had second thoughts about Herman. Had never seen a guy wiggle dangly things from his hips! I wish Jonsey had been there. This was at The Lagoon Patio Gardens, where alot of early rockers played. SLC, UT. Must have been 68...hmmm
  4. OMG!!!!! Yet another fight thread. Just too irresistible I suppose. Carry on.
  5. His religon, just like Mitts is not an issue to me.
  6. Getting almost all the spring-clean......for the may queen?....done! Dusted every friggen cranny I could get to, and then some. I'm pooped. Just an aggravating day though, little stuff seemed to get on my nerves.
  7. Happy Birthday Firekisses. Hope you had a grrreat one!
  8. Hi,

    I don't know you but every time I see your screen name I get the song by Spirit stuck in my head.



  9. It's weird today. Woke up to COLD dark black clouds. Then the sun came out for a bit. Now it is going back and forth between sunny and dark. 48 degrees. Next week it is going to get warmer. We have 5 days to show two friends from NC our city and state, next week. They will be blown away by our mountains, since they've never been out west!
  10. Yay!!

    Our Keef defender is back!!


    insert beer,


  11. OMG! I can't believe Robert is doing the "golden circle" crap for these gigs. The email I got from Rounder records has all these "travel Packages, semi cool, sorta cool, and the grand SUPER cool packages." Some offer the first six rows, others, the first ten rows. And oh gee oh boy..STUFF! Sorry, whoever thought of this it smells of corporate greed.. Think I'd rather put my dough into the Mile High Festival.
  12. Forgive me for not having a link, but it's on every home page. The weird part is he had cuts on his neck, and they said it was an accident. "A Spokesperson" said he fell through a glass door, tried to run for help, managed to put a towel on his neck, and collapsed. And his neighbor found him dead in the garden. How in the hell would a spokesman know if that is what he did, if he layed there dead??? Sounds fishy to me. Why not dial police?
  13. That's insulting to peace loving hippies. The Manson clan were just dirty scummy sheep-like followers who had no one else to cling to.
  14. Hotplant


    Taxes and hippies, oh my! Well, perhaps Del doesn't gripe about 10% tithing, as a good American Christian.
  15. Ok, ok....try this....take in a deep cleansing breath..... Let it out.....slowly, through your nose......relax..... take another deep cleansing breath....... See ya sweet dreams.
  16. Too far for me. If I miss him, I miss him.
  17. Thanks for that article Mad. Now, where's those fire marshalls with "the list."
  18. Awesome EL!!! I may miss him this year if he doesn't come here. I'm sick of travelling to a venue. Now,,,if he was with SS...yeah.
  19. Congrats!! Best wishes to you and yours.
  20. Hearing that my cat passed the vets checkup for flying onboard. But, she said he has a bit of a heart murmur. Not too serious though. So...he's all ready to go. They gave him...herbal supplements for the flight...no drugs, because of his heart. Happy!!!!!
  21. So true Lakey, It can take weeks, months, sometimes years to find the right meds or combination of. But when they work, they indeed save lives. People who just say suck it up are just ignorant and don't know any better.
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