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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Let's hear it girls. So, how about ......shoes! Or, things men do that we love or hate. Or, shopping! And I'm sure guys can join in the chat's like the Man thread, but to be fair...we need one too. Ok, trying to be all cheery I'll say: I LOVE it when a guy puts his mind (among other things) to it on a date. Like planning sweet things unexpected. Shoes: Post them!
  2. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    ................. .............. What a lovely triple header... mmmmmmnnnnnnn.......
  3. MMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM Drool.....................he's just way sexy. edit....they ALL are.
  4. Very cute! just wait, soon my dude will be home and I'll post him.
  5. Ok, and if you ever need any condoms just let me know....our secret! See ya'all I'm headed for the sack!
  6. .....Fruedian slip there eh? "doesn't make sex".............
  7. I saw a tape where they were all joking about that. bush...the Big Douchebag.
  8. You smarty-pants wannabe!! My children were planned. VERY planned. And very wanted. Thank-you Suz, as a mother you understand. Communication was always open with my kids. And wannabe......I swear I won't tell if a few condoms are missing. Won't even ask.
  9. But just having them along side the band-aids, no one is going to know who took what when. And I hate to say it, well no I don't but if you had sex as often as my ex bf and I did, one pack doesn't take you past half the night! I have three grown kids btw.
  10. Well, sorry but I know grown men who don't carry them. I'm not saying just for boys, females who may be inclined to do something should carry them too, due to the cheap ass dudes who don't buy them. Many younger kids are too embarassed to go buy them. Having them is protecting them, just like a band-aid would.
  11. What about the "Boys?" Funny these studies are often only about women/girls. I doubt they are all getting it from girl/girl sex. Yes, it can happen. Though lesbians seem to keep it cleaner We need to get over the fact that kids are having sex and we need to supply them with TONS of condoms and info, since abstinence doesn't work in large cities especially. Talk to your kids! Leave condoms in the bathroom, restock. Leave books about the human body and pregnancy in your home library, age appro. BTW...The Discovery Channel's series "The Human body" is fascinating!
  12. YEE HAWW ! ! ! ! Happy. Hermit & Mad.......He is movin' on!!!! He better stick around.....(Hermit)
  13. ^ So do they!!! No. Spanking doesn't do any good. Only once, during a running in the street episode, never happened again.
  14. Hotplant

    road trip!

    Dang Red, I have that pic but it won't post!
  15. The alumni knows........


    Cheers m'dear.


  16. Nice pic^ Finns are such pretty people!
  17. NO ! ^ Mississippi....here we come...... Billary can be VP.
  18. My friend has the small amp they used in the film, the one he carried with him everywhere. He got it from a film crew after they finished the film. It's cute, and really works too.
  19. I recall a Plant concert where he messed up some line, I was going along with the song in my head when he missed the words, I was in the front row and looked at him like.....uh, I heard that! He looked at me and grinned widely
  20. Well, damn, is it really that awful?? Bummer. Childhood friends and stuff would be interesting, we all know the rest! I agree about the last jimmy book, sorry dude who wrote it, it sucked as to nothing we didn't know already. Guess I'll have to write one too. Everyone else is, why not?
  21. Manders,

    I'm so glad your hiatus didn't last long.

    What would we do without everyone's "girl next door"


  22. Thank Buddah you are back!

    I count on you being here!!

    YaY Hermit!



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