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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant


    Well, dagum, I never knew you "left." I left too, for one day...make that half a day.
  2. Well, you know what's great about turning the big 5-0? AARP ! ! ! Now I can finally get discounts on car rentals, travel, hotels, motorcycle insurance..
  3. So glad he got it, and the sweet remarks. A timeless gift for sure!
  4. He's ahead in Texas now!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mad, where are you?
  5. OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA ! ! At least,Vermont...so far... C'mon OHIO....
  6. Cool! I wish I remembered the name of his sub, it was nuclear too. He spent a good amount of time in...."that room" He never had any kids too, makes me wonder. He could've gone into nuclear engineering, but he said what he learned and saw was enough for him. later....I gotta run.
  7. I'll be back........... Like Leddy said this board is what WE make it. WE have to learn to be nicer. A good sailor doesn't abandon ship when it gets a bit rough.
  8. Ohhhhh a sub?! Man, my last bf spent 9 years on sub duty, he was doing "secret spy" stuff during no war. But the toll of being "under" for months on end was an incredible story!
  9. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Nice work ladies! " Simply the best, better than allll the rest, better than anyone....... ...... .......
  10. He did say she needed both or......so perhaps he will tell her to bail. " I hope! It's the right thing to do.
  11. Do not allow those evil thoughts to even enter your brain, Mad!! There is NO way Billary can pull it off by the needed margin. Keep the faith baby!!!!!
  12. That is a very nice tribute to your Grandfather. My Dad was in WW2, the Korean War, The Phillipines, and unbeknowst to us he delivered tanks to Viet Nam. He has lots of medals. ( that his gf stole from him/me.) Two Bronze Stars, a Silver Star, all kinds of good conduct, and a few more I do not know the names of. He did not like to talk to us about any of the wars, but he did tell us about when his ship was hit by a Kamikazi ?and he was blown off. Many of his pals didn't make it, and he helped to save others. I'm very proud of my Dad's service record.
  13. Beautiful, Miss HoneyDripper. You look like a model!
  14. "issues..." Aw jeez...I was so NOT looking forward to that! I do acknowledge Eddie is a fantastic guitarist though.
  15. Now I heard that JCP has a lousy record when dealing with sweatshops. Iraq and Jordan are two of the countries where they have factories that are no good. * I'll post the link when I find it again.*
  16. Country Joe and The Fish protest songs. Remember Superbird?
  17. Danke, Tink !! He's a babe, for sure.
  18. Well, here I am all broken hearted.... Nah, just WIDE awake again. It's only 11:00ish but I can feel a night of tossing and turning. So.. I suppose I'll go try some chamomile, grab a boring book at give it my best shot. :'( See ya...
  19. Yoo-hoo Vince ist gut!!!! Nice bikes. Big Blues would like this thread, I'll have to email him and have him have a looksee! He's a part-time biker.
  20. Well..my lil research brain went to the JCP website and read there policies on where they purchse their goods and the factories. It says they do not work with any company that has child labor and so on. Do I believe it? In America.....not to sure. They had the Raising Sand CD on the website. I dunno......it's got a bad tatse in my mind.
  21. Where's 59 when we need him! I still love Keef, and The Stones. Nothing anyone says will change that, or my love for Zep. So there!
  22. Miss you 59!

    Seems like a mass banning has become the norm. NOT cool.

    Looks like you may just be...."grounded."

    LOL, your profile does not say banned, so here's to hoping the banned can return!!!

    Get back soon!


  23. Joel,

    You did nothing on this board to be banned. Others have been allowed to stay even with their crapstirin.'

    Don't get mad, get even.

    and get back!

    You are one of the very FEW who have such an immense knowledge of music. I have always enjoyed that!

    Soon, everyone will be banned. LOL.

    Get Back!


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