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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I messed with it as a teen......... Then I discovered Zeppelin. J/K Best left in the closet.
  2. Lovely indeed. Hey...psst...Robert IS taller than Jimmy!!!!!!!
  3. No worry, it's just the usual noise around here.............
  4. Yet it's sold in the toy aisle
  5. GOOD MOVE !!! She scored zilch in the debate tonight.
  6. Now that's just precious.. ....
  7. He said that they just grew up......and apart. Fair question. He did answer it.
  8. Last debate tonight. I am disgusted at Hillary's tactics of late, makes me really, really dislike her. OLD schoolmarm...YUK! Go home and go to bed Hillary! Where's the vomit smilie when you need one.
  9. Just go to their website to get presales. Someone here has a direct link, it's not on the tip of my tongue, or fingertips, but somewhere here on the board.
  10. Funny Dzldoc !! I think I'll try that staring at the ceiling, and maybe Melatonin..as long as it's not a hormone that causes headaches. The staring thing reminds me of the "focal point" in childbirth classes. I'm scared of that Ambien, too many people have gone looney on it.
  11. When you want someone to call you, take a bath.
  12. These stories are cracking me up!!!!! SunChild, that was so funny! BongMan too. Now the question for us geezer/ette's is....what did WE do when we found OUR kids stash. * damn, they're getting better green than I am * And I hear you all on the NICE price....I had five finger lids flying out of my bag in our park, I was too young to get jail time, so it worked out just fine. Those kinds you mentioned Joel, remember well, the mehocan (sp?) was my tasting favorite ! tasted kind of like coconut..mmm. Yeah, and I still call kine, kind.
  13. Lovely pics all. Nice family Tinkerbell. You and your hubby are HOT!!!
  14. Can't wait for the answer to this.......................
  15. At first I was thinking "your gramma gotta come" when I saw this title... It makes me wonder..... if there ever is a tour, will they opt for such grand stage production as the 02. And if so, it would make sense to do stretches of shows on each coast, who would want to put all that up every other night.... Just pondering.
  16. ........................................ ................................................................ .............................mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................. ...........................
  17. This Board Needs Hermit!!!!

    I don't know what happened, but c'mon.

    We love you Hermit!

  18. Nader.....pfft. Nothing can stop Obama Now !!!!!
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