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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Excatly Hermit! I love how you think! as far as the "morons... oops...mormons"..remember...they came from Upstate New York.
  2. Never bite off more than you can chew. Use ice to harden squished chocolate in carpet. Freeze it then it flakes off.
  3. There you are!! Isn't it exciting!! And even after last night's "gotta win" debate for Hillary, well, let's face it. Obama still leads!! She is NOT blowing Texas away like she had hoped. Her snide remark about his words are going to bite her in the ass. Not to mention Mr. Stu...OReilly, coming out with his racist remark regarding Mrs. Obama and a "lynching"... Fire Bill OReilly And TUL, I suggest you come over to Obama's side. he will unite the parties.
  4. Why even announce they are having a meeting??? If everthing is SO top secret. Stop teasing us guys, just don't say anything, as usual. I really don't care that much anymore. What will be will be.
  5. Did you not get a ticket, ocean? Glad they're going to Asheville. He can see how cool Ashe is, as Alison knows already. WoW, too, the Civic Center, I could've got in the back way if I was still there ! As old as the Civic Center is really....there is NO bad seat. Congrats to ASHEVILLE!!!!!!!! Finally. so far nada for us here in SALT LAKE !! ROBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'mon, you always come here!!!!! Now that I'm gone...
  6. OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA ! ! ! YES WE CAN YES WE CAN YES WE CAN ! K, just had to log on to say that........... * where in the world is Hermit ? *
  7. I somewhat reluctantly agree. At my closest MacDonalds (which I don't really like but fries are a quick fix) I think there is maybe one who speaks English...fluently. On the day they had that walk out, you could NOT get a hamburger anywhere.
  8. They were great when I saw them in the early 70's. For some reason, my ticket stub from that show I saved, and I still have it. Back then I really never thought of saving all my stubs, wish I had now.
  9. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    .................................... ........................................... Oh my, sitting on this massaging/heat chair pad certainly enhances these threads..................
  10. Nice nips, I agree. When they are really hard, they cast shadows in the sun................
  11. ...Obvious!!! What in the world is on Roberts shirt???
  12. I shamelessly agree ! Through some very heavy emotions, they made it through! Love your pics! They are still HOT, bods too.
  13. Sounded fine really, and I agree. The Stones haven't ever stopped, and Mick works out preparing for tours. Jimmy hasn't had to withstand the rigors of touring in a long time. And let's face it, it's grueling. Even for younger bands, you need an incredible amount of energy and good health or you crash and burn. Jimmy might not be up to it...yet. And Robert likes things the way they are, the way he's been doing HIS thing, that is no Huge fancy crap. He has said he enjoys not having to lug 10 semi's everywhere they go and isn't into that. Robert can age any way he wants....like fine wine...
  14. Hotplant

    Jimmy in LA

    Indeed! True, his arms are nice and long. His shirts never ever go to his wrist. I could volunteer to sew some up for him. But, I'd have to get his measurements...
  15. Hotplant

    Photos !

    xx's here too. Weird, ever since the new board came up, many have had problems with pics, this happened once before, on a even previouser..lol..board, but then it "cleared up." I gave up trying myself. I know Lady H has had the same thing, yet we always used the same photobucket. hmmmm tinypic worked once for me...dunno. No matter, I enjoy others pics now more than my own, well, except my family pics.
  16. Dang, I wrote an entire post and it zapped onto the cosmos. At any rate...Leary & LSD. Well, I never died, never tried to fly, two "bad" trips out of tons. It is a great tool to erase the ego for however may hours your dose is. *This is not an endorsement* I get crap any time I mention my hallucinogenic experiences. My sister is good friends with Ram Dass. She helped with all his tapes, and was his PR while speaking here. she even managed to get our mayor to introduce him.
  17. That's cool, I bookmarked it so I could read it all later. Thanks for those links!
  18. I'm with ya Robert! Very nicely said! The 02 shined, that's enough. Now....get yer butt over here....hmmm...think he is still here...dunno. But Robert should get a place close to Alison and Nashville. You know, a "home" base like the old days. But I reallllly miss Strange Sensation. Clive & Justin...
  19. pssst: Does he still have a place in Florida? shhhhh......
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