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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. They were great when I saw them in the early 70's. For some reason, my ticket stub from that show I saved, and I still have it. Back then I really never thought of saving all my stubs, wish I had now.
  2. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    .................................... ........................................... Oh my, sitting on this massaging/heat chair pad certainly enhances these threads..................
  3. Nice nips, I agree. When they are really hard, they cast shadows in the sun................
  4. ...Obvious!!! What in the world is on Roberts shirt???
  5. I shamelessly agree ! Through some very heavy emotions, they made it through! Love your pics! They are still HOT, bods too.
  6. Sounded fine really, and I agree. The Stones haven't ever stopped, and Mick works out preparing for tours. Jimmy hasn't had to withstand the rigors of touring in a long time. And let's face it, it's grueling. Even for younger bands, you need an incredible amount of energy and good health or you crash and burn. Jimmy might not be up to it...yet. And Robert likes things the way they are, the way he's been doing HIS thing, that is no Huge fancy crap. He has said he enjoys not having to lug 10 semi's everywhere they go and isn't into that. Robert can age any way he wants....like fine wine...
  7. Hotplant

    Jimmy in LA

    Indeed! True, his arms are nice and long. His shirts never ever go to his wrist. I could volunteer to sew some up for him. But, I'd have to get his measurements...
  8. Hotplant

    Photos !

    xx's here too. Weird, ever since the new board came up, many have had problems with pics, this happened once before, on a even previouser..lol..board, but then it "cleared up." I gave up trying myself. I know Lady H has had the same thing, yet we always used the same photobucket. hmmmm tinypic worked once for me...dunno. No matter, I enjoy others pics now more than my own, well, except my family pics.
  9. Dang, I wrote an entire post and it zapped onto the cosmos. At any rate...Leary & LSD. Well, I never died, never tried to fly, two "bad" trips out of tons. It is a great tool to erase the ego for however may hours your dose is. *This is not an endorsement* I get crap any time I mention my hallucinogenic experiences. My sister is good friends with Ram Dass. She helped with all his tapes, and was his PR while speaking here. she even managed to get our mayor to introduce him.
  10. That's cool, I bookmarked it so I could read it all later. Thanks for those links!
  11. I'm with ya Robert! Very nicely said! The 02 shined, that's enough. Now....get yer butt over here....hmmm...think he is still here...dunno. But Robert should get a place close to Alison and Nashville. You know, a "home" base like the old days. But I reallllly miss Strange Sensation. Clive & Justin...
  12. pssst: Does he still have a place in Florida? shhhhh......
  13. Getting back the Speed channel. And the DAYTONA 500!!!! And, getting alot done in my abode in expecting visitors and my CAT!!! BooBoo is coming HOME!
  14. I say....Screw the FCC.! I'm really getting tired of the censorship stuffed down our throats. Geez, I thought we were in the "Land of The Free." And it is leading to a permanent "I'm offended" attitude among anyone wanting to stir up nothingness. People are becoming scared to say anything these days. Seems like every week now we have someone else on the tube ranting about how offended they are at someones free speech. Makes me want to write on my forehead...."I am hereby, forever offended." But of course I'M not! GO JANE!!!!
  15. You're right Mandy. My friend has been enabling for years now, like it's second nature. I told her in my own tough love I could not stand by and see her life destroyed, while the junkie could give a rats ass about her. It saddened me SO much, that I had to temporarily distance myself. I've had to do the same thing with an alcholic. For my own sanity as well, somehow they make it out like it's all your fault. So...I left, then it wasn't my fault anymore. He had to blame someone else for a change. I'm a toughy on this stuff. Because if your'e not...you go insane and Nothing changes. Like they say, you can't change them, but you can change your own reactions to their behavior. Edited to add, I'm HAPPY because the sun is shining, and feels so good through glass...nice and warm.
  16. Hmmmm....."second coming" could be ..... We just don't know with Robert.
  17. That boy does really like a wide variety of brews!!!!
  18. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    .............. ....... You have some great pics I've never see! I love it when I see new ones, like this "nurses" shot. I've seen tons of this gig, but never this one.....THANKS!!!
  19. Nah, not after he jumped out of the pool to relax. The fit was JUST fine!
  20. Do not have a honey for Valentines. But there's always....chocolate. And Happy Lovers day to all who are hooked up.
  21. I know how you feel Muse, seems we are losing out on alot of tours, for me it was Neil Young and Tom Petty skipping us that ticked me off. EVERYBODY goes to Charlotte, the closet venue available when I lived in NC. Yet that was still a long drive from where I was. If I were you and that into them, I'd try for Santa Barbra. Better scenery than LA. Or even San Fran, straight across Nevada. I'm wondering why the E Center doesn't book as many bands now. We used to get everybody here.
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