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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Getting back the Speed channel. And the DAYTONA 500!!!! And, getting alot done in my abode in expecting visitors and my CAT!!! BooBoo is coming HOME!
  2. I say....Screw the FCC.! I'm really getting tired of the censorship stuffed down our throats. Geez, I thought we were in the "Land of The Free." And it is leading to a permanent "I'm offended" attitude among anyone wanting to stir up nothingness. People are becoming scared to say anything these days. Seems like every week now we have someone else on the tube ranting about how offended they are at someones free speech. Makes me want to write on my forehead...."I am hereby, forever offended." But of course I'M not! GO JANE!!!!
  3. You're right Mandy. My friend has been enabling for years now, like it's second nature. I told her in my own tough love I could not stand by and see her life destroyed, while the junkie could give a rats ass about her. It saddened me SO much, that I had to temporarily distance myself. I've had to do the same thing with an alcholic. For my own sanity as well, somehow they make it out like it's all your fault. So...I left, then it wasn't my fault anymore. He had to blame someone else for a change. I'm a toughy on this stuff. Because if your'e not...you go insane and Nothing changes. Like they say, you can't change them, but you can change your own reactions to their behavior. Edited to add, I'm HAPPY because the sun is shining, and feels so good through glass...nice and warm.
  4. Hmmmm....."second coming" could be ..... We just don't know with Robert.
  5. That boy does really like a wide variety of brews!!!!
  6. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    .............. ....... You have some great pics I've never see! I love it when I see new ones, like this "nurses" shot. I've seen tons of this gig, but never this one.....THANKS!!!
  7. Nah, not after he jumped out of the pool to relax. The fit was JUST fine!
  8. Do not have a honey for Valentines. But there's always....chocolate. And Happy Lovers day to all who are hooked up.
  9. I know how you feel Muse, seems we are losing out on alot of tours, for me it was Neil Young and Tom Petty skipping us that ticked me off. EVERYBODY goes to Charlotte, the closet venue available when I lived in NC. Yet that was still a long drive from where I was. If I were you and that into them, I'd try for Santa Barbra. Better scenery than LA. Or even San Fran, straight across Nevada. I'm wondering why the E Center doesn't book as many bands now. We used to get everybody here.
  10. I dig Grohl as a drummer. That tune was so much screaming I felt bad for his poor throat, and sheesh get the hair outta yo face mon. I watched the Grammy's. With alot of "last channel" in between people I didn't care to watch. Little Richard and Fogerty, and whathisname...(mindfart) were GREAT! Aretha, Beyonce, Tina Turner, they were great too. Oh and Alicia Keyes...loved it. The shocker and a nice one given the entries was Herbie Hancock!! Kudos. I just don't get Winehouse, the appeal that is. caca. One thing I'm noticing lately are these elaborate stage drops, to the point where all the flashing crap gives me a migraine. It's a waste IMHO.
  11. ^ Post it Tull! What made me happy? Some sweet PM's from people here. And finding out a dear friend is finally laying down some tough love for a junkie who has destroyed her sanity. Enabling is a hell in itself.
  12. These are currently my favorites of our dear Robert!!! I love that he has to cover his HUGE grin!! lololol
  13. That is sooo cool!!!! Robert's such a sweetie. Thanks for sharing!! Kisses!!!!! Wow!!!!
  14. WOO HOO ! ! ! Great performance. I'm excited again. And CONGRATULATIONS for the Grammy. That lead guitarist was freaking amazing!!!!!!!!
  15. I've been there. It's the pits...literally. I realized it was getting bad when I self medicated and I was drinking beer to get sleep. I sought help, and had no insurance either. Luckily, we have so much research in our area I joined a study and was indeed diagnosed. One of the first things the docs said was to give up the beer & any substances, otherwise, they cannot tell what is working if they try meds. I did, I gave up everything for at least a year. NAMI can help you find resources if you do not have insurance.......yeah, our rich country, that's yet another depressing subject. I don't want to preach Ev, but if you can cut back on the beer...slowly like Lakey said, it will be a good start. There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel. I hope everything gets better. Knowing you have so many who care should be a great help.
  16. Finding out my cat will be coming back to me this spring. And, Obama's wins !
  17. OBAMA ! OBAMA ! OBAMA ! .. Watched the last hour or so and watched his speech, exciting ! Widdle Hillary got none..... Had to ad, after reading up more, that is so cool Hermit!! I was thinking of you when I knew he was there! And WW, EXCELLENT!!!!!!!! you go girl!!
  18. Oh ! Vomit at a show...yes, yes, I did. I was at an Eric Clapton concert and people had stormed the doors and 5000 people were in a 3000 arena..our Cow Palace, at the fairgrounds. Well my gf and I got there early and snuck in a bottle of wine; by the time we decided where we would sit...great seats too, first come first serve, we were pleasantly sauced, Eric comes on and starts playing amazing music, a guy jumps up on stage Naked!! Eric payed him no mind and kept playing. I noticed that it was entirely PACKED. They were surfing people in over the crowd, it was impossible to move. I suddenly felt that familiar feeling of too much grape on an empty stomach. Looking around....I knew I couldn't make it to the restroom. I tried sooo hard not to, but up it came...on the concrete seats... Luckily I didn't projectile, or get any on anyone, but it was so embarrassing. The concert went on into the weee hours of the Am, like they used to...and I recovered right there just fine.
  19. I'm getting less and less excited. I don't know why, but it is losing steam for me. Maybe when we hear from you all, that will change. And please, please Do Not think we will be jealous.
  20. Hotplant


    Coffee, of course! Got up late, only had hazelnut creamer...which I like sometimes, but not in the AM, so I'm still craving a "regular" cup. I was informed this AM by my "all natural" Daughter that the DIET 7-up I drink will cause metabolic disorders. I said...Oh well, we all gotta go someday. And I'm going to get one right now!
  21. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    MOMMY !!! Tommy called me a turdo . . . .!!!! And he didn't even SAY why.... :lol :lol:
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