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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. My thoughts......this is going to go over like a LED baloon.
  2. The super sunshine. Even though it is cold, the sun feels soooo good on the face after lots of snowing and clouds.
  3. Very nice. BUT....what about 1973!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
  4. Hotplant

    Pet Peeves

    I just added that to my favorites. Cool. I used to pretend I had an old rotory dial and wait, that doesn't work anymore. What do people do who might still have OLD phones? It sucks.
  5. Dang, this makes me want to give it a whirl again. RER is a great teacher! I gave my last good harp to a dear friend who passed away. I think my next music store buy will be that, a ukulele and some bongos. I could never play a real tune with the harps I've had, but they are just so fun to play WITH.
  6. I am just so happy. He has a much more optimistic, compassionate, "come together" attitude we have not had since Kennedy! I'm jazzed at his enthusiasm.
  7. It's such a cliche, but I really love the first few years of Santana, then he himself went off and though his playing is incredible, I found when he started teaming up with hitmakers a bit ......meh...nauseating. Just by himself he's great! His sound is totally unique. And full of soul/love. Mike Shrieve........ah...I had such a HUGE crush on him. I saw Santana one of the earlier concerts 69ish, maybe even 68. I was like 14, and I met them all. Long story. Ohhh do I remember Chepito!
  8. Can you just be so happy he won BOTH our "whitey states?"
  9. I think Del's wife should give him a "smack" on the back of the head. I say, whoever makes up the bed can do it whatever way they please. Pillow wise. And hey, be glad you HAVE pillows, there are starving people in Africa with NO pillows! On another note....me thinks Scratch has been reincarnated, again.
  10. Stupid mine is, but I had no idea other people are using it on other sites!! I made it up eons ago for the vh1 board. Then I was cinnamongirl here, natch. Then during one of the board changes I had to change it due to losing all my info on the email password... My thought was.... Plant is hot. Hotplant. I used to like to choose different names on every new site I joined, because I had so many names I liked. Now, it is easier to stick with one. Someone told me Google is trying to get peoples user names "permanent?"
  11. Or toss them herself while he's ....off the bus....
  12. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    YEEEE HAWWWWW!!!!!!!!!
  13. This is a fabulous shot!!! Kudos to the photographer. Seems Robert has the ruffles thing goin' on as well as Jimmy. Robert has upped his wardrobe me thinks, for Alison's sake. She's probably , " Oh c'mon Robert, just TRY it! "
  14. My Daughter woke me to that news. Funny as hell. I would so LOVE to hear Robert & Willie do a song together.
  15. Wow! Otto, you look so handsome in that Paris shot!!!! And your lady is indeed beautiful!
  16. I am so sick of the word owe. Owe, owe, owe, owe, owe, ...you don't have go owe, owe, owe, owe, owe. You don't have to go-owe, owe, owe, owe, owe......... You don't have to go...owwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
  17. Oh yeah...now I remember, because HE called in. That's right. Funny too, when he asked what was happening out and about in LA. Then he said, "Ah well, I suppose there will be something in Louisville." And he was just....hangin around T-Bone's.....
  18. 1. 39 years. 2. I 3. Dazed, SIBLY, Levee Breaks, Thank You, Trampled, STH, ....more but.. 4. HOTH. 5. Rainbows. 6. 68-71 7. Listen to a catalog. 8. Radio. 9. Nature, Magik. 10. How I feel while listening.
  19. Doesn't bother me as long as it doesn't bother the band. I shamelessly sung along to many songs at concerts. If the band makes any knd of indication they don't want it........" SHUT the hell up would ya!!!"... I most certainly would shut up.
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