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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Hotplant


    Hmmm...reading a few posts I'm getting hungry. I used to like eggplant, now it makes me want to vomit at the mere thought of that slimy sh&*. CACA!! However... talk of pizza has me thinkin' ummmm I have a frozen pizza in the freezer I may cook very, very soon. I hope you get better FK!
  2. SNOWING!!! 5 or 6 INCHES so far !!!!! Yes songbird, I know you hate snow. I hated it sometimes too when I was a teen, I was SICK of it. Now, I'd rather it be snowing than just dark, cloudy, Freezing! It was "colder than a witches tit in January" (as my ex hubby used to say) for several days here. Now it's WAY up to 28!
  3. Wheww... Bonham is stiring up this forum.....in a great way too.
  4. Hotplant

    The pub

    It's almost 1:00, After browsing here........................somebody get me another stiff one!!!!!!
  5. Oh fer gawds sake shut the hell up about the fu^&%^ list will ya. If it's there USE it or don't. Can't you find something else to bitch about!!! Of course I honor your opinion. Original question.....Be Nice. Maybe some people would LOVE a "hate" list more, sure sounds like it!
  6. OMG, Like HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Those are cool!!!! Mystery....who is the chick in that last one?
  8. As freak on a leash from the looney bin.......................
  9. I love RR, but what's up with his nipple there!
  10. Wow...74!? Have to print that out to do it. Though I Love these kind of puzzles.
  11. No sheet! There are at least three now!!! In fact, I wasn't even going to log in, was just browsing. Until I saw a post that burned me britches a bit. So here I am.
  12. DO things get better..?....................hmmmm.
  13. That Mr. Geekie is amazing! What a weird fella. I love that cat pic all Stretchhhhhhhhed out ! Too funny!
  14. Hey David Nice guitar there! You look great!
  15. The nuts go in and the nuts go out.....
  16. Have you all been watching the coverage of this horrible crime? Brings back memories of the other North Carolina base murderer, Jeffrey MacDonald. The base frankly hid much of the investigation. Same crap here. I think it is outrageous. In this crime the woman was just about ready to testify in the rape charge against the suspect, she is/was pregnant, with they assume, his child. The birth would have given the Marines ample evidence through DNA of the baby. He is now on the run, could be fleeing to Mexico, where he has relatives. Her body was discovered in his backyard, along with the infant, burnt in a fire pit. Disgusting!
  17. I was going to mention Muse, but I was just yankin' his chain.
  18. It must have been a lil juicy though... YEAH! I mean he could've worn overalls!
  19. Hey, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir got two nominations too. You're really slackin' there Jahfin. J/K!!
  20. Key word: pretty. Credible... Allison and Robert. And they can Have it. I can wait till they come west. Nice dry air. See el's post. ^
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