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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. The nuts go in and the nuts go out.....
  2. Have you all been watching the coverage of this horrible crime? Brings back memories of the other North Carolina base murderer, Jeffrey MacDonald. The base frankly hid much of the investigation. Same crap here. I think it is outrageous. In this crime the woman was just about ready to testify in the rape charge against the suspect, she is/was pregnant, with they assume, his child. The birth would have given the Marines ample evidence through DNA of the baby. He is now on the run, could be fleeing to Mexico, where he has relatives. Her body was discovered in his backyard, along with the infant, burnt in a fire pit. Disgusting!
  3. I was going to mention Muse, but I was just yankin' his chain.
  4. It must have been a lil juicy though... YEAH! I mean he could've worn overalls!
  5. Hey, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir got two nominations too. You're really slackin' there Jahfin. J/K!!
  6. Key word: pretty. Credible... Allison and Robert. And they can Have it. I can wait till they come west. Nice dry air. See el's post. ^
  7. Really ! Though I suppose we could get some religon in here somehow.
  8. I so agree Joel. this is fu**ing ridiculous!! And for the Grammy's, could they not simply ANNOUNCE the nominees and winners. Good lord! And now that R&A have a nomination, I could watch it. Screw that friggen union.
  9. ...................... ............................... Looks like powdered sugar on him. mmmmmmm....yeah, places....
  10. Actually, now that you mention it, I remember that. Or at least it looked that way. Maybe they were the ones from rehearsals.
  11. Chicken: I was starting to wonder about the tee. Nice pics all.
  12. Hotplant


    Where the hell have you been TZW???
  13. Pieter!

    Where ya been hiding? RO ??

    C'mon back and stay a while.

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