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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. funny I notice stuff like that so closely too. Like I noticed the jewelry he has worn for several years is gone! Gone, gone, gone. And a big wow to the Grammy nomination for that song. I think he is so right about the timing of magic work. For now he just has to go do his thing. I'm really "over" the sadness that I didn't get to attend the concert. I'll go see Robert no matter. he could be playing with a street musician and I'd STILL go see him. You know, that Leo loyalty thing.
  2. I thought we nailed that question about the Audrey girl on one of the last boards. I was positive it was in Chicago. Cold or not.
  3. I haven't purchased any cds or anything of his, but seeing him play at some award show a while back I was Stunned! He is flippin HOT, on the guit I mean. Not so sore on the eyes as well. He still has plenty of years left in him to only get better. I can only imagine. Bless the "guitarmen."
  4. After breaking one ankle twice and told if I broke it again I'd need a fake ankle joint..I'm too scared to ski. Yeah, in Powder world Utah. But I do love tubing!!
  5. That's really cool.^ Hope the doggie doesn't use the headstones as fire hydrants.
  6. Love hearing from all you wizards. This has been very interesting. Thanks for all the informative posts. Some of you guys do the best you can do with WHAT you've got. Bless you.
  7. But excatly..!! So we KNOW they're posers. I know, I need to get some things done while it's sunny too!
  8. Weena!! I think my entire life is a paranormal experience.
  9. Ok, this was a test. And only a test. But it could still be fun. I now know that the presumed nutbars...(imho)....are NOT actually the nutbars they are portraying. They WOULD have posted in this thread, quoting and whatnot. So..in the final anaylisis.....they are merely members trying to start something up, and a few bona fide (imho) wackos. So neener, neener, neener, .....
  10. So true Hermit. What happened in Florida brings back nightmares.
  11. God, that just is sooo bittersweet. Bless his heart.
  12. Now, it's "Greatest Gift" on the Fate of Nations. Missing that period of Roberts stuff, pulling out old cd's and cassettes even.
  13. Happy New Year Pieter!!

    Hope your year is full of love and happiness!


  14. Freezing cold. 20 degrees, hoping a new storm comes along to freshen the valley smog. Wish I was out in California..... ...Stones song in my head.
  15. For all the nutbars who like to just you know...Post. Any random, useless, or senseless thoughts welcome. Remember to keep profanity at a minimum, as per "the rules."
  16. ... ... .... Suck that harp honey baby!! Cool ! I really liked that band bunch he had that year. I saw that tour, of course.
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