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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. I just NOW discovered the "Calendar" at the top of the page, I have never looked before. Cool. Well, I saw it but never "clicked" it. AND I saw my 73 backstage pass on the memorabilia page. Cool too! Damn, I need to look around more often.
  2. Are you really Mean Mr. Mustard??


  3. Hmmm...yet another mystery. I hear: "...let me wander IN your Garden......."
  4. http://www.artbabyart.com
  5. I hear that. I gave up the thought of "total enlightenment" or "nirvana" a looooong time ago. My selfish ego won't allow me to give up thoughts of reckless raunchy sex.
  6. Seems to be a common occurrence here of late. * the quote and reply that makes no sense at all*
  7. Just trying to lighten things up a bit, in the DEATH thread.
  8. I threw it out the window a long time ago.....
  9. Yeah, Chicky......I want to read and see your pics but don't want to join facebook.
  10. SNOWING ! ! ! 35 degrees and a lil windy. winter.
  11. Baby, baby, where did our love go....oh...don't leave me...all by myself....
  12. What's that song..... " I meant to _ _ _ _ and then I got stoned... "
  13. It's almost expected lately!
  14. Hotplant


    Guess.... Diet 7up. Saving a liquor high for New Years Eve, which means I HAVE to get to the liquor store Monday to stock up on champange and try our new 8% beer.
  15. Nice pics Puck! Hey, don't worry, look how often rockers "pose" just holding their guit.
  16. I think Robert weaves many people into his lyrics. Like Dylan, we want to know, know, know. I just want to know WHO he means in "The Enchanter...."
  17. Yes, Jimmy was a junkie just like Cole. Too bad Jimmy won't write a book to "clear" it all up. A ton of artists have been junkies. Not just the sixties either, way......back.
  18. Hotplant

    Roberts Jeans

    Some day I'd like to take a class on how to take the pic and turn it into a small....well....*cough, cough*....Sculpture.
  19. I've heard many complaints about it. Weird.
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