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Everything posted by Hotplant

  1. Ok, we'll pick up Manders too. I'm scared to death to ski. But snowangels and HOT tub sound reaaaly swell.
  2. Me thinks you like our weather.....
  3. Having the power restored after a HUGE storm knocked it out. Last night, the clouds suddenly got pitch BLACK and the wind was extremely powerful. You could see the clouds moving like a tidal wave toward the mountains. Started raining, then hailing, then Lightning! mixed with snow and while I was on here....BOOM! I look out the window and see a power transformer (or whadever) Explode! Knocked out the puter, the tv, I was scared it blew up the puter. Then the snow DUMPED...alot, we have about five inches just on the valley floor, I imagine the mountains really piled up. They closed Parleys canyon from any big rigs and cars only with chains. So, we sat around a candle pretending it was a fire and reminisced the old days back in NC. Then to late to do anything the power came back on. Now, the sun is "partly shining" and the sidewalks are clear and the light is blinding from all the white. Pretty.
  4. Hotplant


    hmmmm.... This has me thinking Lettuce consciousness.. Hara romaine, hara iceberg, hara redleaf, hara hara.....
  5. I have to make a second vote, and keep it alllll off, no stash.
  6. Don't you hate that? Happened to me too, only whoever emptied what little I did have and got off with my wallet, my ID, cash, everything. The bank reimbursed me, but I had to send them a police report # and wait days to have a way to get to my own money. Someone could be me out there.........................poor soul
  7. *hope i did it right......................*
  8. Uh oh! Another no no word? Sheeshhhh how many are there now? Where's Frank Zappa when ya need him?
  9. Your sig is nice Hermit. Rocks! And I'm so glad you don't Suck...fags.... They're so stinky.
  10. Cool. Good 'ol Asheville.....brings out creative juices, that is the truth.
  11. ........ It is cold so I actually have clothes on. I've got a nice soft long tee. socks a smile..
  12. hmmmm... All I can say about this police state is: Young chicks.........Don't jump in unless you can take it, and maybe the parents need to talk to their little bimbettes. I think it's a bit slanderous to go around accusing people. Mind yer own business dudes, these poor little chickies have Mom's and Dads to do the policing. We are NOT their Parents!
  13. Hahahahaha.... I think I'll apply for a grant for my daughters education......after all, I spent a ton of dough over the years via Atlantic Records and concerts.
  14. Love Me two Times........Doors
  15. Pfft! You always semi-trash the Dead. When will you possibly listen to 13 cd's!!
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