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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. The BBC sessions are an amazing document to be treasured. I can still recall the moment I heard the 1971 set on the radio for the first time I think in the late 70s. Immigrant Song was so raw and powerful, so different from the studio version - and that solo at the end! That was unexpected. And the rest of that set is just fantastic. I first heard the June 27, 1969 session in a record store in Providence Rhode Island in 1982. I was there to buy Death Wish 2, and I saw the "import" section. There was a disc with a black cover and just the four symbols in white on the front. No other print of any kind. I asked if I could check it out. When I dropped the needle I could not believe it. That was a very well worthwhile $8 purchase.
  2. I was listening to Seattle 3-21-75 No Quarter and was digging the avant-garde, almost atonal bit that Jones gets into on the piano around 19:50-20:10. I don't recall hearing that in any other version.
  3. I got Proximity for about 3 or 4 years in the late 90s. It was quite good. I recall that the editor had a positive review of Walking into Clarksdale and what he wrote got me to better appreciate the album, especially Blue Train, which is a fantastic track. Unfortunately I did not keep the copies during the last 2 moves I have made.
  4. From what I have read over the years I am not surprised. Who would have thought to record them in fall 1968 when they were unknown as a group? And in England in 1968 they played small venues with little press. Then they signed the big record deal and announced a tour of the US, so that whetted the appetite of fans in America, where by 1968 the Yardbirds were bigger than back home in England. Starting with early January 1969 we have tapes - that was right after the Atlantic signing made its way through the press and radio, and then the record was released with great US FM radio advance play and support and it just exploded from there. So in retrospect I am not at all surprised there are no other 1968 tapes. What does suprise me is the excellent high quality photo shoot of their very first ever live gig. Now that is some kind of historical document too!
  5. Yes! That was one of the special moments for me too, June 11, 1977. I had never heard White Summer before so I kept wondering what is he playing? Is this a new song? Then the familiar Black Mountainside started and the intensity built up to that incredible opening of Kashmir. I had no idea what to expect not knowing the set list in advance. Not knowing the set list added real mystery and excitement to the show. I had not seen any reviews of the tour yet and of course there was no internet or social media. The laser pyramid and the opening to Achilles probably equaled the opening of Kashmir for me. One other thing that I recall vividly is the lighting during Kashmir as Page did that circular pattern on the stage. During No Quarter Page took a full run toward the piano and did an abrupt stop right in front of it. For a second I thought is he going to jump on top of the piano ? He was that active and mobile during the show. The opening of the show was pure mania and bedlam. Then the Rover started and I thought wow they are playing the Rover !! When Sick Again took over I thought wait what ? What happened to the Rover? What is this? Wow it is Sick Again!! I had already forgotten the Rover, except I was writing down the set list as we went and later saw my scribbled note saying the Rover.
  6. I know this is off topic for this thread but I went back and compared both Orlando and Osaka Immigrant Songs. Both are essential listening of course but I give the nod to Osaka. The bass and drums are clearer and much more distinct, and the solo is longer with the wah wah section. And the rest of the Osaka show is so excellent. Osaka Celebration Day alone will be worth the price of admission to me.
  7. Sunrise, North Rim of the Grand Canyon
  8. St. Louis 1975 Godfather Records Jones' bass sound is superb!
  9. If it were filmed from an upper room above the crowd then the angle in the photo is all wrong.
  10. It is amazing how different the two are - just 13 months apart. They are both special and have their own unique moments. The set lists are so different, so much to enjoy.
  11. Yes. I always loved that intro - it is not fast, but it has an "odd rush" to it as a critic once said about Misty Mountain Hop. Great feel and lyrics, amazing guitar solo. The whole mood and sound is perfect. For me it is always associated with the hot and humid summer of 1976, back in the days when none of the cars me and my friends drove had air conditioning. Summer days and nights spent outside at parties. Everyone had Presence on 8 track. One more thing - the "shimmering" sound of the guitar overdubs at the end. Perfection.
  12. I have always loved that jam in Communication Breakdown. I looked up the original - it was released Feb 16, 1969, which means Zep was covering/interpreting it within about a month of its release.
  13. Echoes is pure Pink Floyd. I don't see the relationship to Zeppelin. Page once said that Floyd was off doing their own bit or something to that effect. Pink Floyd is fantastic and this live version of Echoes is genius.
  14. I see your points, but to me opening with Achilles added a real air of mystery and majesty to the album. It was a bold choice, unexpected. And I think Tea for One is a perfect closer given all the mayhem that precedes it. It has such a world weary vibe, capturing the mood of the lyrics perfectly. Nobody's Fault is a perfect side two opener with the mysterious sounding guitar kicking it off. Genius. Zeppelin put alot of thought into their song orders and to me Presence song order is perfect.
  15. great photo - is that the Ohio Players lp?
  16. In addition to what is noted above it still has that awful cut in WLL - leaving out most of the funk section before the theramin part. I love Jones' comment about them all wanting to be close to the drums on stage because that was the "engine room". For me, the sound is so much better that the 2 CD set is worth the $20, so I am really glad I preordered it. I paid a bit more to get it through this site, but that way Jeff Bezos does not get his cut of a reduced price. The biggest improvement in sound to my ears is the bass and drums, and they are both so important to the music. Also, the separation of the instruments is clearer and to me that is a real plus. Sam - thanks for posting this. Looking forward to getting my CDs.
  17. One of the great ones ! I am glad the soundboard has the cool intro to Celebration Day but too bad the rest of the song is missing from the soundboard. Those 1971 Celebration Day versions were insane.
  18. Norman Blake picks it on guitar starting around 1:05 and again around 3:15. Great fiddle too.
  19. This version of Destroyer on Black Beauty sounds good. If the link does not work go to Black Beauty and go to the last version of 4/27/77 on BX "Bad Girl Songs" It includes up through Battle of Evermore. http://starship.jpn.ph/zeppelin/beauty/disp/boot.jsp?R_idx=2491
  20. Rock Legends is too short and simplistic to do justice to Zeppelin. Classic Albums is much better but would take alot of cooperation and collaboration from the gents. Too bad AXS TV cannot get the rights to show the Fathom Events theatrical release from March 2015 that was shown one night in theatres. It had alot of footage from the DVD.
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