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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Not for that price, but I gotta say it's pretty cool.
  2. Looks like 72 though I've never seen this before. Any more pics from this?
  3. Showing off your guns while wearing a Coda tank top is kind of self defeating.
  4. Are there any detailed reviews of this show?
  5. In the YouTube comments. Take that however you want.
  6. Best of Earl's Court 1975 Rock And Roll- 25th. Best sound quality and most energetic version. Sick Again- 25th. Best sound and a very solid version. Page plays a better solo on the 23rd. OTHAFA- 18th. The echo heavy boot actually accents this a little and Page is absolutely on fire for the solo. 25th is a close second. IMTOD- 25th. Best solos and great sound quality. TSRTS- 25th. My original rating on this was B+, but I'd change that to an "A" despite some Plant yodels. Very uptempo. The Rain Song- 24th. Moody version that has a little more character than the others. Kashmir- 18th. I know most would choose the 25th, but it's too mellotron heavy for me and the tempo is unnaturally fast. The 18th also has Bonham's drums echoing for miles. No Quarter- 18th, no contest. Tangerine- 24th. Great sound and the best solo. Going To California- 18th. There's something very organic about this one. That's The Way- 24th. Good sound and nice mandolin work. Bron-y-aur Stomp- 23rd. Good energy and a decent breakdown from Page. 18th is close. Trampled Underfoot- 24th. Though I think the 17th was performed much better with a more fluid Page. You ultimately have to go with better sound quality. Moby Dick- 17th. Dazed And Confused- 23rd. A good balance between sound quality and performance. 24th if you prefer the bettter sound. Stairway To Heaven- 18th. I think this one has a little more magic to the sound. 24th is close with an excellent solo. Whole Lotta Love- 24th. 25th also good. Black Dog- 25th. Best sound and very solid. Heartbreaker- 25th. Communication Breakdown- 25th. Of course it's opinion. You could easily make a very listenable compilation just from the last two shows.
  7. Ignore that, I actually think it's about the same as the others after listening again. Page is very fluid though.
  8. Nitpicking Page 5/25/1975 (Keep Taking The Pills, *When We Were Kings) I've personally always thought this was an awesome show. Let's see how it holds up under a microscope. Btw, the "Keep Taking The Pills" boot is fantastic, but incomplete. I used the other to fill in the blanks. Rock And Roll- Robert a little scratchy, guitar a little twangy. Solo- Fine job. Good version, "A". Sick Again- Plant sounding much better now. Solo- Maybe not the most fluid, but he gets some solid phrasing in there. Outro solo- 4:06 starts a good run but gets a little sloppy at the end. Not too bad. Solid "A". (Translating Robert- 5:25, "Quel dommage" means "What a pity".) OTHAFA- Excellent intro. Solo- Starts off with some nice pedal-steel bends. 2:57 is a nice run that ends on some menacing low notes. 3:47, perfect articulation. 4:17, not so good, but a nice run anyway. 4:40-4:54, love this aggression. Maybe the best solo for this at EC? Good ending except for that wonky slide. And no squeaks from Plant? Amazing. "A+". (Translating Robert- 7:20, "Brahmaputra" is a river in India, unless he says something else?) IMTOD- Good swampy tone. 4:11, minor flub. First solo- Good phrasing, very solid slide routine. 5:43, minor flub. Second solo- Maybe the clarity is influencing me, but this is one of the better slide solos I've heard from Page. 8:52, that slide riff. If only Bonham's drums had a better sound. The flubs don't matter, "A+". TSRTS- Good energetic, speedy intro. First solo- Damn near perfect. Outro solo- A little sloppy at the end, but not bad. 4:45, Plant yodels in key. "B+" because of some minor flubs. The Rain Song- 1:30, I've never heard Plant hit that note here before. Rock section- Plant on the edge of cracking, Bonzo going off. Pretty good. 7:42, the 'tron is a little flat. "B+". Kashmir- Bass drum has a perfect heartbeat sound. 4:24, You can hear Plant's vocal effect (which extends that note another few seconds) in the background, but it doesn't come through on the recording. The ending sounds like Armageddon. Has a little more drive than the previous night's version. "A+". No Quarter- Nitpicking Jones- Has some nice moments (8:18), but takes patience to listen to the whole run. The Bonzo/Jones jam is very basic and thankfully James comes in. 13:58, some nice legato licks. 14:40-14:52, not great articulation. 16:21, nice bend here. 17:53, some passionate bends accented by the wah. Outro switches sources and Page gets in some decent final licks. This was a solid version, though no one really did anything exceptonal. "B+". Tangerine- The harmony is inaudible but Plant sounds good. Solo- good up to 1:53, which sounds a little off. Not bad, "B+". *GTC- Mandolin and vocal version, as nothing else is coming through. Actually sounds quite nice this way. Plant squeaks on the bridge. Plant's ad libs kind of kill the mood. "B+". *That's The Way.- Solid version. "A". 7:05, Robert takes on Robert. *Bronyaur Stomp- A solid version with a decent breakdown from Page. "A". Plant gives a good history lesson after the song. *Trampled Underfoot- Good energy. Jones' keys aren't coming through at all, but Page lays down some good rhythm work in the meantime. Solo- Page comes in with some fire. 4:21 is a lick left over from OTHAFA that he often falls back on. 5:28, articulation disaster. This solo wasn't too bad, but lacked a good flow. Good energy on the outro. "B+"' *Moby Dick- zzzzzzzz. Excellent sound though. *Dazed And Confused- Good intro. First workout- Good straightforward noodling from Page. Woodstock- Page's initial start sounds more like he's tuning up, but I love the way the band launches into this with full confidence. Page is a little sloppy on some of it. Plant is a little scratchy on some of it. 9:23, some good runs by Page. Second workout- 18:47, a little sticky through here. 19:32, also here. 20:22, slop. 20:35, these little riffs don't sound great. 20:50, fingers stuck in strings. 22:49, slopfest. 24:00, not good. 24:13, embarrassing. Mars- The drum fill going in was awesome. Page is barely hanging on to the chords. 25:38, good build up riffs. 26:22, misses the climax as usual. Finale- Not much going on. Is it safe to say Page indulged backstage? "B". *Stairway To Heaven- Good first half. Solo- Good flow at the start, the phrasing is a little too basic though. 8:35, flub (Or string break, I'll have to watch the vid and see.) Page ends the final notes on a lower octave due to a broken string. Not bad, but nothing impressive. Fairly solid version, "B+". WLL- Good intro. Funk section- Page's right has loosened up some and he puts down some good riffs. A good screaching theremin section. "A". Black Dog- Good energetic tempo. Solo- 3:56, Page shoots for the moon but comes up a little sloppy. Not a bad solo, but he wasn't exactly outdoing himself. "A". Heartbreaker- Good start. Solo- If we're not counting articulation, not bad at all. Good rockabilly jam. 5:42, he hits some unusual chords here that don't sound half bad. Last part is a little sloppy, but not bad. "A". Communication Breakdown- Plant is squeaky on the intro. Solo- Wah drenched, but very good. They get a good breakdown in with Plant doing some hilarious improv imitations. "A". Final assessment- First half and acoustic section is quite nice, however Page comes out in bad form for Dazed. I'll take the previous night's version over this one. IMTOD, OTHAFA, and a very good Kashmir are the highlights. TSRTS could've been great, but there were too many loose ends. One thing I've noticed after doing all these is that I became accustom to Page's general technical ability and my standards for his playing has actually lowered. So as I went on, I became less critical of him as far as my opinion of what was sloppy. So to be fair, I probably haven't been as hard on Page on the later shows than the first nitpicks I did.
  9. Here we go again I think I'd take the brown bombers.
  10. So, was Sandy Denny's symbol ever identified?
  11. Jimmy always seemed to tune up after he just played a song out of tune. Maybe he couldn't hear his tuning through the monitors? How did his tech keep his job? So many questions considering they were the biggest band IN THE WORLD.
  12. I remember reading that Priest got booed off the stage.
  13. Priest. I've tried Maiden so many times but just can't get into them. A little too cartoonish for me. I admire the fact that they've stuck to their sound for so long though.
  14. I like to think of Outrider as "Presence Pt.2". It has a similar production and feel. And I don't listen to it much.
  15. Hey now, I'm doing these nitpicks so you can pick your own lol. But honestly, Zephead315 is the go-to for anything live. If you visit the Reddit Zep page /r/ledzeppelin/ he's already done a bunch of "Best of" lists.
  16. After I do the last one I'll go through and make a "best of" in which I usually listen to each track again and compare them. That way I'll know if I was mistaken in my judgement or not. Sometimes if I'm not feeling it that day I tend to miss the general presence of a song. But strangely, I really liked the TUF on that one, a song I usually never have a good feel for.
  17. That Dazed, to me at least, sounded like they were really tired of doing it. Add the fact that Page really wasn't "on" for this one like he was some others, his second solo lacked energy. He was much more fluid on the first two. I guess that's opinion though. I really wanna do 7/17/77 to see if it's as bad as I remember. I downloaded the SB/Audience matrix.
  18. Nitpicking Page 5/24/1975 (The Earl's Court Tapes Vol IV) I'm using a remaster of the Watch Tower boot Zephead315 sent me (which sounds great). It has the same time stamps as the EC Tapes boot. Rock And Roll- Plant sounding pretty rough. Good energy though. Solo- I think "raunchy" is a good way to describe Page's lead playing that is sloppy in a good way. A little rough on the ending, but still a fairly good solo. "B+". Sick Again- Good energetic vibe and Plant has warmed up quickly. First solo- Struggling pretty badly. 2:58, Jimmy's barely hanging on here. Outro solo- 4:25 starts a good, articulate run, which is immediately followed by some struggles. 4:55 goes off the track a little. Page brings this down to a "B". OTHAFA- Cholera, sleeping sickness, Plant always has to cover for Jimmy lol. Perfect intro. 1:32, funny Plant yodel. 1:53, easy Robert. Solo- Phrasing is a little off at the start then finally tightens up some. 4:08, decent run. 4:55, turkey gobbling supreme. Not too bad, but probably the worst solo of the run so far. I really hate how Page always ends the song with that awkward finger slide."B". IMTOD- Smokin' intro. 3:45, Page disappears. Reappears at 4:11. First solo- Excellent phrasing on this one with smooth transitions. Second solo- A little more basic, but not bad. Jimmy's rhythm work wasn't perfect, but still a great version. "A". TSRTS- Good, speedy intro. The way it should be. First solo- Starts off good but loses some articulation on the fingerpicked part. A little smoother with a great finish on the pull offs. "B+". The Rain Song- Everything sounding great on this, with the mello sitting just right in the mix. Rock section- "Now listen!" Very good emotion from Plant. Superb version, "A+". Kashmir- Great first half. 6:30, flub. Good exit. "A". No Quarter- 2:20, "The snow fulls hawrd". Nitpicking Jones- A little slow moving, but hauntingly beautiful. Solo- Page gets a good groove going. He's not doing anything mindblowing, but he's playing very solid all the way through. A good jam section from the three. 19:39, Page does an excellent descending run here that is drowned out by Rob's ad libs. An extremely rock solid version, though I wouldn't pit it against 5/18. "A". Tangerine- Finally some bass coming through. Solo- Nailed it. The best so far. Perfect ending. "A+". GTC- Audio switches to audience recording. 1:54, Plant tests his limit. Sounds like a 71 version. Very nice. "A". That's The Way- Mandolin comes through nicely and Plant is lively, telling a story with the lyrics. Excellent mando on the outro with Plant nailing the last note. Plus a jab at Neil Young. "A+". Bronyaur Stomp- Guitar is low in the mix. "There's no companion for a blue-eyed merle". Deducting points for lyrical flub. Good version overall. "A". Trampled Underfoot- 2:58, Plant squeak. Solo- Jones is inaudible. Page comes in with some fiery riffs. He's keeping a good flow and not forcing anything. Plant throws in some nice Gallows Pole phrases. Very nice, "A". Moby Dick- Not quite as dynamic as some others. Dazed And Confused- First workout- Page doesn't get a great flow going and it sounds a little forced. Woodstock- Some good noodling before going into the main motif. 10:25, these wah riffs sound a little too erratic. Bow section- A little boring. Second workout- Phrasing is pretty straightforward. 20:44, not great articulation. 22:53, unique riff. 26:06, Page has used that descending run at least fifteen times now. Mars- Doesn't have much impact. 26:53, flub. 27:49, Page builds up to the climax then misses it. Page's finale noodling is decent. Not a terrible version, but arguably subpar. Plant sounds lazy and Bonham is half asleep. "B". Stairway To Heaven- Good first half. Solo- Page starts out more subtly on this one instead of overdoing it. 8:27, nice run. 8:53, hiccup. A few hesitant licks, but a very good solo. 10:20, Plant yodel. A fairly good version, "B+". WLL- Good energy. Page throws in some good funk riffs. Theremin- Plant comes alive with a good vocal duel as Jones shreds his bass. "Love Light" at the end. I suppose this is "A+" for an experimental track. Black Dog- The tempo seems to be dragging some, which doesn't sound good for an encore. Solo- Pretty rough articulation though Page is playing with some fire and the phrasing is good. Unique ending with Bonzo being dramatic. "A". Final assessment- Page's technicality has slowly declined as these shows have went on, but he's still better than most of 75. A perfect Rain Song, Solid Kashmir, haunting No Quarter, lively acoustic section, solid Trampled Underfoot, and textbook Stairway are the highlights. Not a bad show at all. Throw that Dazed out the window though.
  19. Anyone know the source of this font or if it was used anywhere else? That's pretty awesome.
  20. This pic is so casual it kinda makes me uncomfortable. He should at least have some dragon socks on.
  21. Nitpicking Page 5/23/1975 (The Earl's Court Tapes Vol III) Not a great recording, but better than the 17th. Let's hope Page didn't stop by the liqour store during those four days off. Rock And Roll- Plant comes in sounding like he's 90. Solo- Pretty solid. Poor Plant. "B+". Sick Again- Minor flub at 1:17. Solo- Nimble fingers, maybe the best solo of the three I've done so far. Outro solo- Pretty fluid first runs. Strains a little on the bends. Still a solid version, "A". OTHAFA- Good intro. 2:15, Plant squeak. 2:26, flub. Solo- He struggles to get a good flow going, despite some decent runs. All the little parts sound ok, but they just don't fit together well. Good exit. The solo wasn't bad enough to really hurt it, "B+". IMTOD- Guitar drops in the mix at 0:53. First solo- Hard to make out, but he seems to put down some good phrasing. 5:41, Bonham and Page start the next part on different beats. Second solo- He does the weird phrasing again here, not too impressive. 9:18, Bonham almost loses the beat. 9:47, Page and Bonham just aren't on the same page for this one. "B". TSRTS- Good start with Plant sounding good on the verses. First solo- not the best articulation. Outro solo- Much better. "B+". The Rain Song- Very smooth version with a good rock section. "A". Kashmir- 2:14, Plant squeak. Absolutely no energy for this version. 3:35, Plant gets ahead of himself, Bonham tries to go another verse, but Page stays on track. 4:04, maybe the slowest fill I've ever heard by Bonzo. Plant belts out a good scream to lead back into the verse. 5:57, Bonham strangely hits the kick drum three times in a row. I suppose some might like this extremely slow tempo, it sounds like their batteries are dying to me. The mishaps and Plant's squeaky vocals keep this at a "B". No Quarter- Jones is almost inaudible on the intro. Nitpicking Jones- Taking a while to get going. Nice melody at 7:08. 9:52, wonderful octave run. Not too bad, but it pales drastically in comparison to the 18th. Solo- Page fails to get the flow going he had on the 18th, also lacking articulation. He does some neat whammy bar bends at 19:12-19:18. Not a bad performance, but I personally thought it was very bland. "B+". Tangerine- Guitar tuning is iffy. Solo- Sounds ok until the awkward ending where Page has to pause to switch back to the rhythm. Not too bad. "B+". GTC- I enjoy Plantations, but he needs to pipe down on this beautiful intro. No real complaints, a solid version. "A". That's The Way- Excellent version. "A". Bron Y Aur Stomp- Good first half. Page's breakdown section isn't bad, but fails to leave an impression. "B+". Trampled Underfoot- Good energy. Solo- Not bad at all, though the recording is a little murky. 7:59, weird sounding drum fill. "B+". Moby Dick- Maybe it's just me, but this one sounds very spastic and uneven. 11:48, I do like this part though. Dazed And Confused- 4:35, Damn, where'd that come from? 1969? First workout- Fair. Not incredibly articulate or well structured. 7:09, blown eardrums. Woodstock- Sounds pretty good. 9:37, this sounds really good. Page jams a little more before the bow solo. Bow section- Great sound quality through here and very spooky. Second workout- A straightforward beginning, nothing special. 21:55, decent run. 25:24, a little sloppy. Mars- Damn heavy with good accents from Plant. Page's articulation comes alive during the last flurry of notes and Plant scrreams his head off. A solid performance, but Page didn't really do anything above average. Kudos to Plant though. "A". Stairway To Heaven- Good first half. Solo- Like the 18th, Page is trying to throw too much in at once instead of creating a good build up. The beginning almost sounds like the finale and the whole thing sounds kind of emotionless. He's playing pretty good though and I'm certainly not one to tell Jimmy Page how to craft his solos. "A". WLL- Page gets some good funk licks in before the usual theremin section, which is pretty basic. "B". Black Dog- Solid first half. Solo- Not bad, some straining on the bends. Decent for 1975. "A". Final assessment- Page certainly wasn't bad for this one, but not quite on the level he was for the first two shows. The performances remind me of 6/26/77, where all the songs were performed adequately but lacked a certain amount of magic. Sick Again and a solid Black Dog are the standouts.
  22. Page started using a different guitar setup which I believe consisted of the Eventide Harmonizer. Although I think it worked great for some tracks (Achilles and NFBM), I always find it sounds too over-processed. The solo from Fool In The Rain is a prime example. It had a very flat frequency range and sounded almost like a synthesizer. It just wasn't a "Rock and roll" tone. I really wish he'd kept the old Les Paul straight through to a Marshall sound.
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