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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I saw this post and didn't think much of it until I watched this interview, it's full of Jones remarks. He obviously had some kind of grudge, or was simply having a piss as the English do.
  2. The only thing I've heard original from Page since Walking Into Clarksdale is the live performance where he played that longhorn guitar. That's it.
  3. The more I think about it the more I like Custard Pie as the opener for PG. The Rover sounds like the obvious choice at first, but then you gotta realize that it's a "leftover" track and the sound quality really isn't on par with the newly recorded songs. Custard Pie sets the tone for the album and isn't too much or too little. It's a good introduction to the album.
  4. What do you think of Dave's remark "So there's Hope for the future"? If that wasn't a hint about Plant reuniting with Page then it was a very cringey thing to say considering Plant was already promoting his own music. Plus that look from Robert just afterwards. Very weird exchange to me.
  5. 0:25, Dave ad libs a joke about playing with the Stones at Altamont, which shows he knows a little about classic rock. That's Charlie Jones playing bass, who'd later play on the Page/Plant stuff. 6:00, Dave- "Do you hear anyone as good as Led Zeppelin?" Robert- "I hear a lot of people trying. There are some new bands around that are really good." For anyone/everyone who mentions Greta Van Fleet, take notice. This has been a reoccuring theme for over three decades. 6:10, Dave- "But you don't find it rewarding in any way though?" Robert- "Not as much as Jimmy Page does." The fans sound shocked as they mistake this as Robert sleighting Page personally, but Robert is merely making an underhanded remark that Jimmy makes more from Led Zeppelin than he does. I'd love to see some royalty figures that back this up. This might also explain why Plant is so reluctant to talk about the old days. He doesn't get paid as much for promoting the old days. 6:25, Dave- "It's not like the old days, is it?" Robert- "This must be leading into one of them." Robert realizes Dave's questions are leaning more towards his former band. An interesting comment after I've watched so many interviews lately with Robert promoting his latest album "Carry Fire", where he is noticeably reluctant to talk about Zep. He always tries to steer the conversation back to his current musical endeavor. So over twenty years ago, he was doing *the exact same thing*. 6:30, Robert- "It can be, and God willing, it will be." A very obvious hint that the "Unledded" project is already underway. The way he answers this is interesting; He either sounds thankful that he's getting to work with Page again and rework the old songs or sounds grateful that he's gonna get this "Reunion" over with because he's been pressured into it so much. Considering Plant's attitude, I'd assume the latter. 6:35, Dave- "So there's hope for the future?" Another very interesting question/remark because you'd really have to have been backstage for the pre-interview to know the context. At first I thought Dave made an extremely cringey remark that sounds like the only hopeful aspect for Plant is to revisit the old days {Plant's reaction backs this up also), then I realize he asks this because Plant has already hinted to him about the reunion that is being planned. Dave plays dumb by saying "I don't know what that means". Plant's reaction is the typical "Cat's outta the bag" lip bite.
  6. A part of me believes Jimmy has been recording music since Walking Into Clarksdale and is waiting to release it in one giant compilation. I refuse to believe that Page, one of the most creative musicians ever, has just sat around watching Friends reruns for twenty years. I know he's been busy with the remasters, but there's gotta be some creativity left in the tank.
  7. By "best" he means the ones who stay home and get the kids ready for school lmao.
  8. Guitar is more about being creative and expressive. Bass is more about laying down a foundation and feeling the rhythm when playing live. People who are naturally inclined toward guitar usually feel limited when playing bass because it's less expressive. It's a different mindset.
  9. Led Zeppelin is the band of missed opportunities. Most of what we do have (TSRTS, Earl's Court, Seattle, Knebworth) are blunderous in one way or another. But I'm grateful for it.
  10. High five. Worst song on Coda. And how is it called "a response to punk"? Calling that punk is laughable.
  11. Not for that price, but I gotta say it's pretty cool.
  12. Sometimes I wonder if the sides of Presence accidentally got switched post production and they just went with it. Then again, Page is such a control freak that I doubt he would've let that happen.
  13. Looks like 72 though I've never seen this before. Any more pics from this?
  14. Showing off your guns while wearing a Coda tank top is kind of self defeating.
  15. I could write a novel about how unique and revolutionary GTBT was for the time. Very underrated track.
  16. I don't know about weakest, but I think the strangest is Achilles. Opening with your most epic track makes the rest of the album sound weak.
  17. Doesn't this tie in to his feud with his neighbors remodeling their house next door? Worrying about the seismic vibrations from a jackhammer?
  18. The Mobile solo is what Eddie Van Halen dreams about, but I think the flubs disqualify it. Detroit has a great solo, but poor sound quality. I think you have to go with 7/28.
  19. Very tastefully done. I love the subtle inclusion of the Giant's Causeway.
  20. I tried searching for info on here but nothing turned up. The rare 1975 and 1977 concert footage from the band that is sponsored by this site on YouTube- what is the origin and is it edited? It seems edited to me because it mostly only shows the "better" parts, which leads me to believe someone has more footage but only chose to have certain parts released. If this site is sponsoring the videos, then was it approved by the band or their management? Some of the footage is filmed at stage level, which the band would have known about. Kind of intriguing. Orcan someone link me to a thread that discusses this?
  21. Are there any detailed reviews of this show?
  22. In the YouTube comments. Take that however you want.
  23. Best of Earl's Court 1975 Rock And Roll- 25th. Best sound quality and most energetic version. Sick Again- 25th. Best sound and a very solid version. Page plays a better solo on the 23rd. OTHAFA- 18th. The echo heavy boot actually accents this a little and Page is absolutely on fire for the solo. 25th is a close second. IMTOD- 25th. Best solos and great sound quality. TSRTS- 25th. My original rating on this was B+, but I'd change that to an "A" despite some Plant yodels. Very uptempo. The Rain Song- 24th. Moody version that has a little more character than the others. Kashmir- 18th. I know most would choose the 25th, but it's too mellotron heavy for me and the tempo is unnaturally fast. The 18th also has Bonham's drums echoing for miles. No Quarter- 18th, no contest. Tangerine- 24th. Great sound and the best solo. Going To California- 18th. There's something very organic about this one. That's The Way- 24th. Good sound and nice mandolin work. Bron-y-aur Stomp- 23rd. Good energy and a decent breakdown from Page. 18th is close. Trampled Underfoot- 24th. Though I think the 17th was performed much better with a more fluid Page. You ultimately have to go with better sound quality. Moby Dick- 17th. Dazed And Confused- 23rd. A good balance between sound quality and performance. 24th if you prefer the bettter sound. Stairway To Heaven- 18th. I think this one has a little more magic to the sound. 24th is close with an excellent solo. Whole Lotta Love- 24th. 25th also good. Black Dog- 25th. Best sound and very solid. Heartbreaker- 25th. Communication Breakdown- 25th. Of course it's opinion. You could easily make a very listenable compilation just from the last two shows.
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