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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. THANKS, IPMAN! I can tolerate TSRTS, but I also do not like the album version of The Rain Song. As a matter of fact, I always hated the damn song until I started listening to the bootlegs and realized just how beautiful and intricate it was.
  2. Those people who wrote "history" used to murder the scientists because they thought they were witches. See how stupidity and ignorance works?
  3. To be fair, you're the one who replied to my comment about chem trails. I just thought you wanted to debate.
  4. Holy shit, I know you didn't just post a YouTube conspiracy video as a rebuttal lol. Even has sci fi music in the background.
  5. Now that you mention it- "Uh, Jonesy, we're gonna need to build you a three necked guitar to play this song. It's the only way." Band- "Phew. Bullet dodged".
  6. Oh, I was being nice. This is just what happens when you ask too many questions that people can't/won't answer.
  7. Although I do enjoy some live versions more than the studio version, I'll meet you in the middle. Name one live version where Jones'guitar actually accented the song. And why couldn't Page play the damn song without Jones playing acoustic?
  8. But the Illuminati is conservative. "Read my lips, new world order".
  9. Yes, I remember reading that a note couldn't be played more than a couple of seconds. Sounds like a real shitty instrument. It was basically an old sampling machine.
  10. I too thought he was excellent for this show until I nitpicked it and saw it wasn't as good as I had thought. 2/8 and 3/12 have Page playing much better, par 73 level. The 2 Vancouver shows are both solid as well, though not great. I honestly don't think it was as much his nerves as it was his medication for his injured finger. He was drinking lot and possibly popping pills like crazy. There's eyewitness accounts of the "road doctor" accussing Page of stealing from his medicinal bag in 75.
  11. First, I'm glad to hear some feedback. Second, I'm not sure why you're saying I was way too critical when I agreed with 99% of what you said. The only thing I disagree with is the quote above. Jimmy certainly had some highlights in 75 (2/6, 2/8, 3/12, 5/25), but no way was he on a 73 level overall. He was inebriated for most shows, and even when he wasn't his phrasing wasn't on the same level as 73. That's my opinion anyway. I really need to nitpick some 73 shows. That Stairway solo is truly awesome.
  12. $50 for a Robert Plant shirt? I suppose if you could pick whatever picture to put on it.
  13. I thought this was on the IV companion? Or maybe that was an alternative mix version. Gotcha.
  14. I made a post a while back (which, of course angered some for being too presumptuous) about how I thought John might have had a touch of Bi-polar depression, judging by his expression and mood in a lot of his photos. Then combine that with his drinking and rowdiness backstage and it kind of adds up. He always struck me as someone who probably had a great appreciation for percussion and being a drummer, but realized that what he was doing had turned into a circus act. Then there's the other side where he strolls out on the stage with an acoustic guitar or Jones' bass strapped on just to get laugh. I don't think it would be too uncommon for musicians, especially in over-glorified rock bands, to quickly become jaded and see the whole thing as a charade. Bonham strikes me as that type.
  15. Dancing Days and Misty Mountain were way too repetitive and had no good solo sections to make a good impression live. Battle Of Evermore. just not the same without Sandy and John's percussion never really fit. Then you have Jones singing. Gallows Pole. Though the two versions they did were very unstructured, I think if they'd practiced it more live it could've been great.
  16. I was being a little sarcastic, but didn't he often (especially in 75) have a lot of problems with the motor control not producing a note in key? I read somewhere that a mellotron wasn't meant to be constantly moved around and had to be constantly adjusted before each show, even then not having correct pitch.
  17. I'm gonna have Bron Y Aur played at mine. Favorite from this album? Impossible. I listen to the underdogs the most though; Night Flight, Boogie With Stu, Custard Pie, Houses Of The Holy.
  18. Name them. Edit: And link whatever substantial evidence they've presented to show the existence of chemtrails. Remember, we're not talking about the attempts that were made for cloud seeding. We're talking about commercial jetliners spraying chemicals on a large scale. Edit 2: And there are only these 77 because nobody with a hold on reality believe it's a thing anyway. These 77 did the tests for no other reason than to satisfy the theorists. But like the article says, any evidence presented to someone with confirmation bias will quickly be tossed aside as "an attempt to hide the truth".
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