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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. Great as in body of work, or overall vocal ability?
  2. Seems like Page wasn't great on those shows, but I'll give them another listen.
  3. Conor MacGregor https://nypost.com/2018/04/06/conor-mcgregor-walked-out-of-police-station-in-cuffs/
  4. Thank You. Although I'd put Gallows Pole second. I think I can officially say this is my least favorite. I know this because I'd rather listen to all the ITTOD outtakes on Coda than Tea For One. I've never been in a mood in 25 years where I could tolerate it.
  5. This might be better suited for the stevehoffman forum, but I'm trying to snag a copy of the second album on vinyl, preferably an original or early seventies pressing. Now I'm not really willing to drop $100 on an RL copy, but I'd also like to avoid any crappy ones. I've read that some copies (with a gold sticker) had tracking problems. Also that the 1977 reissues aren't great. So what are the midrange pressings?
  6. Damn, looks like I'm going down this rabbit hole. How have I never of them? Edit: "The Tea Party is a Canadian rock band with blues, progressive rock, Indian and Middle Eastern influences, dubbed "Moroccan roll" by the media." And I just saw the guitarist using a bow on his guitar lol. They're not even hiding it.
  7. Noted, never thought about that. I'll just use them on my Tull records from now on lol.
  8. Eh, worked great for mine. I only used them for drying, not cleaning.
  9. Is it because of scratching or lint?
  10. Went through my collection a couple days ago, here's what I did: Got six gallons of distilled water, poured three in one sink, three in the other. Put exactly one drop of dish soap in one side. Put record on paper towel, poured some isopropyl alcohol on top side and cleaned with a paint edger brush thoroughly. Going around the record about twelve times. Repeat other side (paper towel soaks up excess alcohol). Dip in soap water first, then the clean water, very quickly as not to soak center label. Dry thoroughly with paper towels. Even the dirtiest records now play like new. I tried the wood glue method and was very disappointed. Not only does it take forever, the glue sometimes gets stuck in the grooves.
  11. Bonham was a man of many faces. Not only looked different each year, but sometimes within the same tour.
  12. GVF are alike Zep as far as sound, but their songwriting isn't even close to them. I really don't know why any true Zep fan would even mention their name. There have been hundreds of bands, just like GVF, that have sounded like Zep, but none of them have had a similar songwriting formula.
  13. "Barracuda" is obviously a direct take on "Achilles". "Love Alive" has a Stairway structure. Then you have all the mandolin stuff (a lot of which I think is better than Zep's). Little Queen could easily have been on Presence (would have made that album better IMO). "Say Hello" has that bright Houses Of The Holy feel. Just imagine it in place of "The Crunge". "Go On Cry" sounds like a Physical Graffiti outtake. What do you folks think? What other albums could be Zep albums in an alternate universe?
  14. Any word on that Stairway soundboard?
  15. I refuse to believe that Page didn't multi track a lot of shows during 75 and 77. They were the biggest band in the world, how would you not plan for this? They had to have known this stuff would be marketable in the future. It's just business sense. I'm holding my breath on an LA 77 live album lol.
  16. I certainly do too, but like you, I'm not just a casual fan. Plus, I think Page tried to represent the live latter day stuff on the DVD. Those Earls Court and Knebworth versions were really strong ones. You also have Robert not being happy with his voice for most of 75 and 77. So you know he's not gonna be gung ho about releasing stuff from that period.
  17. If you think about it, the first people to buy the single track can make money from redistributing it (YouTube views, etc). I think EV realize this and know they can market to those people first. Wouldn't surprise me if they release the full album once they goad the leechers out of their money.
  18. I think a problem with releasing something from the later years is that the best versions of half their set had already been done years before. Nobody really wants to hear the 75/77 versions of Rock And Roll, or Heartbreaker, or Black Dog, or TSRTS (Apart from 6/21). After everything that's already been released, it would be rehashing a lot of the same material and the critics would have a field day with them. This also makes me think that remastering and re-releasing the previous live album the same year as you plan to release another live album might be overkill. People outside the stronger fan base are gonna start rolling their eyes.
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