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Everything posted by gibsonfan159

  1. I didn't attempt to play this verbatim, just tried to have some fun with it.
  2. Zep, Rush, Pink Floyd, and Ozzy have always been my top four rock groups, although I can't listen to much beyond "Signals". I've never understood people's comparison of them to Zep. I just don't hear it. Nothing on their first album sounds remotely like Zep. Two totally different styles IMO.
  3. Will look for these next trip to the record store. Thanks.
  4. Picked up Van Morrison's "Tupelo Honey" on vinyl. Why have I not listened to his albums before?
  5. I used to have favorite bands, but as I've gotten older I've seemed to lose a lot of interest in the older stuff. Even with my favorite groups there are only certain albums I can listen too. Rush- Anything up to Signals. After that, they weren't the same group to me. Ozzy- First two albums, The Ultimate Sin, No More Tears, and Ozzmosis. The Rolling Stones- Sticky Fingers, Exile On Main St. Pink Floyd- I indulged in all their albums heavily as a teen, but now The Wall and The Final Cut are the only two I can tolerate, unless I'm wanting to hear a specific track. Lynyrd Skynyrd- The Ed King albums. (Sorry Steve, R.I.P.) Dream Theater- Train Of Thought (Loved this album but can't stand any others). Megadeth- Youthanasia (I'm a metalhead, and this is the only album of theirs I've really liked). Iced Earth- The Barlowe albums. Metallica- Everything up to Load. Morbid Angel- All the 90s albums. Van Halen- First two albums. (Humans Being, from the Twister soundtrack). Then there are bands that I can just throw anything on by them and listen- Creedence, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Old Crow Medicine Show, The Stanley Brothers, Mozart.
  6. So it's supposed to be a 3D style image, with the circle being the sun and the jagged section the ocean? When I was younger I always thought it was a zeppelin being shot out of a gun. I'd love to find a story on the design.
  7. Have you seen him on the BBC Sessions cover? Looks like he weighs 300 lbs.
  8. People used to make mixtapes. Now we're making our own medleys lol.
  9. Do these have a flat frequency response? My 271's are great for mixing audio, but I find them rather lifeless when just wanting to listen.
  10. It's not fantastic, but I think I was mostly impressed by how solid Page is (no real cringe worthy solos). I'd at least recommend listening to Sick Again, OTHAFA, and the Stairway solo, which is much better than I realized.
  11. Off topic, but I gotta ask: I've been a fan for decades, but where does that t-shirt logo come from? I've seen it countless times throughout the years, but don't know the origin.
  12. "Connected By Love", I sense a little bit of Bowie, maybe some T-Rex, and some Pink Floyd "The Thin Ice" with the piano. There are a lot of sound effects on the album I'm certain I've heard on early 90s video games. Almost like he brought a hungover Trent Reznor into the studio. It's a shame because White is a hell of a guitarist, as evident on "Respect Commander". "Ezmerelda Steals The Show" has a Pink Floyd vibe. "What's Done Is Done" has the old White Stripes feel to it, with retro vinyl record scratching. Musically, certain parts sound like a rock attempt at Skrillex. White seems desperate to sound poignant and philosophical, but sounds out of character and over-reaching. An artist can go two ways when reaching an audience- catchy, simple, and mainstream or deep with substance over cheap thrills. If you do the latter, you'd better make damn sure the substance is good enough to leave a mark on the human brain that's capable of understanding it. Otherwise you sound like someone who recorded an album while high on LSD. This album treads that line.
  13. Phoebe Cates is still probably the cutest girl I've ever seen.
  14. Sounds pretty damn good. Got a stoner rock vibe.
  15. The best sounding cans I remember having were Sony and one ear went out after a year. I got some AKG 271 studio monitors to use for home recording, but have hardly used them. Gonna put them on Ebay and get a different pair for listening.
  16. Considering I was so critical of Page's playing on 3/21, I only consider it fair to analyze his playing on a 75 show that I've previously thought was great, Montreal 2/6/75, just to see if I was correct in saying he did have some performances where he played like his old self or if he was truly subpar altogether in 75. Of course this is a B-grade audience recording, so it's a little hard to judge the sound accurately, but I think I can still hear a bum note nevertheless. WARNING: Over-sensitive folks who can't handle honest criticism of a rock band- stop right here and exit stage left. Again, this isn't me taking a crap on Page. I thought it would be fun to point out both the highlights and lowlights of an entire show. Listen along and take note of the examples I give and maybe give your own examples or input. Those who want a link to the version I have, send a PM. The Youtube version doesn't match up to mine. Rock And Roll- Very reminiscent of the version from TSRTS soundtrack. No problem with the solo at all as he flies right through it. Sick Again- A tight start. The first solo- A fluid stringent of pull-offs with no strained notes, rare for this song. Second solo- Nimble fingers here as he slides right through with no flubs. So far so good. OTHAFA- Absolutely perfect intro, again a rarity for this song. The solo- Page either breaks a string at the beginning or realizes he needs to swap guitars for some reason, but the first part is absent. Then he comes in at 3:02. He does his usual first run on the lower register, then moves up an octave at 3:12. 3:45-4:06 is some good phrasing. 4:14-4:23 is the type of speed and articulation that Page had in 73 that he seemed to lose as the 75 tour went on. Makes me realize that his injured finger didn't really hamper his playing, but rather the medications he took for pain. 4:40-5:05 is another good variation of phrasing. You'll notice he's not straining to do high speed triplet pulloffs and repetitive bends like he does later on for this song. It's as if his finger may be hurting, but his mind is still where it needs to be. A slight flub at 6:42. IMTOD- Great start, Plant is warmed up and sounding good. 3:27, Page drops his pick or something, but jumps back in. Solo 1- Not a great one, it's a little lackluster and doesn't flow well. Solo 2- A little more pep this time, but still not great. 7:22-7:32, he's hitting a little off key with the slide, but not too bad. 7:52, another bum note with the slide. Maybe he's out of tune? 8:48, yep, his guitar is out of tune as is apparent when he strums the open chord. 9:43, he notices the guitar is out of tune and stops the chord short to keep it from ringing out. All in all, one of the worst IMTOD's I've heard. Maybe not his fault though. TSRTS- The twelve string is coming through very twangy, so it's hard to judge from the start. 1:40 and on, they seem to be dragging a little, like they don't wanna be playing this. Solo 1- They pick up some and Page gets a good solid solo down. 3:13, damn Rob, what happened? Voice took a dive. 3:56, the tapers panning actually accents this a little lol. Solo 2- Page is playing fine, but it still sounds very uninspired. Plant sounding like shit at the end. The Rain Song- Plant's voice evens out a little. That damn out of tune mellotron. Page is flowing along nicely, but this is one of those numbers he rarely missed a note on. 4:45, Jones' foot hits the wrong note lol. 5:45, I've never really noticed how "Hendrix" his playing is on this part. Those chorded hammer-ons sound very Little Wing-ish. Kashmir- This is one version where the guitar mix outweighs the keys- perfect for nitpicking Pagey. It sounds a little thin, but still creates the mood nicely. 3:35, those arabic guitar bits sound amazing and should have been on the studio version. 7:15 and on, he's playing those ascending riffs perfectly but the leads are very erratic. 8:08, whatever that was, was fantastic. Not bad at all. No Quarter- Nitpicking Jones, he's creating a very nice mood with the keys. Jones is killing it with this groove. 7:12, the crowd joins in with perfect timing. Page comes in with elegance. 8:54-9:15 reminds me of Gilmour's solo on "Another Brick In The Wall" for some reason. Page's soloing is solid here, but certainly not 73 level. Outro solo- Page comes alive and shows some vigor. The phrasing and articulation is ok, but not above par for 75. Trampled Underfoot- Normal start. The solo- This was the new song that was really supposed to be a showcase for Page during the solo, but for most versions I've heard it sounds like he's just trying to cram as much improvised material as he can into the solo section. Here, he plays a good solo, but it sounds just exactly like that. There's no structure or buildup, just note cramming. Moby Dick- Yep, sounds like Moby Dick. Dazed And Confused- A very inspired start and the band sounds fresh. Reminds me a little of the Europe 73 versions. First solo section- Not bad, articulation is a little off but not much. San Francisco- Sounds pretty good with Page being very rhythmic with the wah pedal. Plant's voice is good again. Bow section- 8:15, I swear someone says "God hates fiddle." Some people might dismiss Page's bow playing as gimmick, but listening closely will reveal that he truly used this technique in a very artistsic manner, and this version is very haunting and ethereal. Bonham comes in and completes the otherworldy experience. 13:33- the second half, let's see where this goes. It's obvious this audience recording doesn't match up to something like TSRTS soundtrack, so I've gotta listen with that in mind. 16:14, No missed or strained notes so far, but nothing mind blowing either. 8:20, some decent fluidity. 19:22-19:32, again nice fluididty. 19:53, Mars-Bringer Of War section- disaster. I don't think Page was ready. He jumps back on track afterwards, but not sounding great. 21:16, Page jumps into the ending bar, but Jones and Bonzo don't follow til the next bar. Stairway To Heaven- Perfection through the beginning. All members are sounding great. The solo- Page starts off great, good flow and articulation. 8:13, there's some kind of accidental off notes that come through. 8:36-9:20, man, he's ripping this solo apart. One of the best I've heard. Phrasing and fluidity are there with no strained or forced notes. Absolutely beautiful. Plant's voice is rough again at the climax, but he pushes through. Whole Lotta Love (Partial)- Very rushed intro, as was common through 75. Black Dog- They're sounding lively for the end of the show. 1:00, a nimble fill that doesn't quite end right. Solo- 3:50-3:56, a little bit of turkey gobbling, but not bad. Those big bends aren't great, but not bad either. 4:28, he jumps into the Heartbreaker part. He keeps a steady flow through to the end. 5:26, some excellent articulation and speed to end it. Not a bad Black Dog solo at all for 75 (God knows he had some bummers). Heartbreaker- The solo- Starts off strong, although twangy. 2:37, sticky fingers on the ascending pull-offs. Afterwards it's the usual series of motifs he uses for this solo, but a little uninspired sounding. 5:08, finally comes alive with a flurry of notes. I'd say the show ends very mediocrely. My final assessment of Page for this show? I had previously thought this was the best Page of 75. I'm not so sure now after listening in detail. He definitely gets on a high level on certain parts, mainly the beginning, but drops back down in areas as well. He doesn't strain on Sick Again. OTHAFA has good articulation and phrasing. The Stairway solo is great. Does he have the overall musicality and ability of pre-75? I couldn't say he did, but he did great with an injured finger. And a fifth of Jack. I'd certainly rate his playing way above 3/21.
  17. I use Shure SE215 buds. I prefer over ear cans but always reach for these when on the laptop. They're ok, certainly not great.
  18. Yep, might as well abandon thread. Some people have to attempt to get a thread locked when they can't make their narrow minded point.
  19. Glad you put your maturity level on display. Then again, it always was.
  20. Are you even capable of elaborating on a point or can you only make vague opinionated statements and declare yourself the winner? Please explain how taxes don't pay for V.A. hospitals. If I'm wrong, I'll admit it, but you're gonna need to prove me wrong. Strategic reasons? Would those reasons be to secure oil rights and satisfy the religious right wingers? Once again, you give a vague reply and dance around the argument. And don't even mention "Turrists" or I'll hand your ass to you, elaborately. Funny you mention "States rights" but knock California. Hypocrite much? Oh wait, you love America and hate socialist ideals but you moved to a country that's just the opposite. You know what, your hypocrisy is so off the chart anything you say is completely irrelevant. Once again, society, like technology, changes and evolves. People like you are just scared to admit you're not gonna be allowed to be assholes anymore. That's why you desperately try to shit on any amount of progress and dream about "The good old days".
  21. Sorry, let me be more specific. So many "survivalists" nowadays like to pretend they're in the wild west and don't have to answer to authority. That was the point I was making. You know, the "muh guns" crowd. Defense spending is still outrageous and still provides free healthcare to vets (and it wouldn't be so shitty if conservatives wouldn't block certain programs). So, national healthcare is actually a thing in the U.S. We support Israel because "Holy Land and oil!" Neither of which we need. Nowhere in the bill of rights does it say taxes can't be used for social programs. Oh yeah, there are things called amendments because society, like technology, evolves. Wow, what an education.
  22. Why does everything turn into a capitalist vs socialist argument? Newsflash; The U.S. has been a welfare state for fifty years. I don't understand why people think the U.S. is still a libertarian nation with no taxes like it was centuries ago. Welfare has been a staple for a long time, and both left and right parties take advantage of it. Except we have a lower quality of life than other welfare states even though we're ten times as wealthy. The U.S. military, which is pretty damn big in case you didnt know, is supported by taxes. Their service, vehicles, food, and healthcare, is paid for by tax money. We send 10 billion dollars to Israel (a socialist country) every year, even though they don't even need it. The U.S. undeniably has the ability and means to be as socialist as any socialist country, maybe even more so. Greedy people aren't gonna stop being greedy just because you jack their taxes up a little more. And it's not like these other countries don't have poor people. Sure, it's expensive to live there, but people can still afford to live there somehow. So what gives? The difference is that Americans would rather take their tax money and blow it on a $50,000 Cadillac and stick a bumper sticker on the back that says "Freedom!" instead of having that unnecessary spending go to healthcare or social programs. But, that is the principle America was founded upon- Every man for himself. Or at least that's what people think. Uncle Sam still has his hand deep into your pocket. Except instead of your taxes helping people who need it, it goes to subsidize golf courses and casinos that are purposely bankrupted for profit. You know what? Let the Scandinavian countries give autonomous vehicles a go first since they're so advanced.
  23. I disagree a little. The remaster is less compressed and has a little more natural sound. I won't "buy" it (hehe), but I'd tell anyone that doesn't have either version to get the remaster, and if they want "Hello Mary Lou", get the boot and the entire show. So the original 03 release is actually the useless version to me.
  24. "How The West Was Redone Again" is the way to go IMO. Like you, I'll just wait a couple years and pick the remaster up on eBay. And I'd rather spend the money on the official photo book anyway.
  25. That's still beside the point. And it's not "pointless", because a vehicle with functioning sensors should at least made an attempt. I'm not saying that it wouldnt have happened with the sensors, im saying these cars shouldn't be tested on open highways before the sensors at least show some sign of functionality. If the person had crossed legally and the car still struck her, it would still be the same point.
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